LiveEdu (Blockchain Service) TokenSale

in #tokensale7 years ago

Now let's talk about an ICO LiveEdu

ICO IS LIVE Current Price:

1 EDU = $0.10 and $1 = 10 EDU
ETH and BTC to USD$:
= Average of crowdsale period Current ICO stage bonus: 17%
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EDU Token

The purpose of tokenization is to create a marketplace economy capable of rewarding content creators and investors while providing incentives to remain with the platform.
The current platform utilizes fiat payment options for subscriptions and will be replaced with the EDU token for all financial transactions to take place within the platform

EDU is an ERC20 token utilizing the Ethereum smart contract protocol

LiveEdu is an existing product. The beta version was launched in late 2015 as “” with an emphasis on programming. the platform has changed its name to “LiveEdu” on 2017, expanding the content theme. Since its launch, LiveEdu is already used by more than 1 million people from 194 countries.

LiveEdu,​​ EDU​​ Token​​ Model

Each positive activity a learner, content creator, site moderator or ecosystem participant completes on LiveEdu represents the mining of EDU tokens. EDU tokens are going to be fully integrated into all core modules and transactions on LiveEdu; a payment method for all financial transactions; rewarding premium project tutorial creators, positive learner behavior, site moderators, and API ecosystem developers. When the EDU tokens are fully rolled out and integrated into LiveEdu, this is how they will be used on ​​our ​​website​​ and ​​in​​mobile ​​apps:

What Problem is LiveEdu solving?
There is no project learning platform which teaches college students and professionals who have passed the beginner stage how to build complete products.
What's LiveEdu's Solution?
A decentralized peer-to-peer project learning network for teaching people how to build complete products.

Live Edu is to developed a decentralized online learning ecosystem that is not reliant on learning theory but practical useful career skills. The LiveEdu peer-to-peer marketplace will connect streamers (content creators) and viewers (learners) from all over the world.
The main goal of the LiveEdu project is to use some of the funds from the ICO to stimulate streamers in creating premium projects. LiveEdu content is concentrated on projects. Each project contains a live streaming channel, a video project, a playlist and a live chat window. Each stream is automatically archived as a video. Live Edu provides content creators with the ability to deliver their projects via stream or offline recording. There are two main types of projects on LiveEdu — premium-textbook projects and premium-issues projects.

Be better from another competitors


why must LiveEDU

because Now (Live and video streaming) has become one of the most popular online learning methods for teaching college students and professionals practical skills. It has resulted in new methods for teaching worldwide. Despite the current number of online learning platforms available for beginners, there is a definite lack of a practical project-based learning platform for learners who have passed the beginner stage and are interested in real practical projects.
LiveEdu is building the world’s largest project-based learning (PBL) library on any topic starting with the seven topics programming, game development, data analytics, design, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies. The aim is to develop a decentralized online learning ecosystem that is not reliant on learning theory but practical useful career skills.
The LiveEdu peer-to-peer marketplace will connect streamers (content creators) and viewers (learners) from all over the world. The idea being that streamers will create educational premium projects and are paid a monthly lifelong royalty fee if their projects are watched by viewers. The immediate business objective behind the LiveEdu crowdsale is to build 3,500 premium projects with 500 premium projects for each of the seven topics.
LiveEdu also seeks to bring cryptocurrency to the masses by educating college students and professionals using real practical cryptocurrency tutorial projects covering cryptocurrency basics, blockchain mining, Bitcoin, Ethereum, security and ICOs. In this paper we will elucidate the benefits of project-based learning as well as the token mechanics for the EDU smart tokens and how we intend to fully integrate EDU into LiveEdu.

For more information visit


author: visixom
BTT :;u=1197250

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