Your Key=Your Wallet=Your Funds and TokenPocket is here for you

in #tokenpocket5 years ago


Your keys your funds, this is more of an awareness post telling users their funds are not truly theirs if it is in a centralized cryptocurrency exchange platform. Yes we all want to trade and make profit no matter are minor it is but the idea of keeping your funds in an exchange might not be the best solution.

If you are familiar with the concept of banking and probably had an issue with your bank prior to now or possibly having one right now, you would know that keeping your funds in a centralize system is definitely not the way to go.

I once had an issue with a bank where I was locked out from my funds for weeks and their response was that an update was taking place and customers were sent email/message to report to the bank, really all customers? Then why didn't I receive such message before this occurred,no reply was given but rather apologizes, this went on for quite a while until my account was finally unlocked and I had access to it once more.

We see this happen daily, weekly, or even monthly in cryptocurrencies centralized exchanges. There have been cases where exchanges had to stop all withdrawals of a particular coin/token and said it was a routine maintenance, there were times they even stopped all withdrawals on their platform and as usual maintenance and for users who needed their funds ASAP are made to wait pending when such maintenance is over.

Now how do you fix this?

Different solutions have been provided to this and some relating to extension wallet, ledger, and mobile wallet but one of the major issue users faced with is the none support of their desired token/coin.

That's where TokenPocket comes in.

TokenPocket is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet that provides users access to more than 5 different blockchains with users having total control of their account via a private key or mnemonic phrase words. These keys are not stored with TokenPocket but solely with the user's and thus user's are always advice to properly do backup when creating accounts.

Why use TokenPocket when others are readily available?

  • Unlike some wallets designed to store a particular cryptocurrency, TokenPocket is different from them as it stores BTC, ETH, EOS, IOST, BOS, including their tokens and many other coins.

  • Your funds are totally in your control, with the use of a private key, users are able to export and import their account in TokenPocket at every moment in time.

  • Nothing goes on with your account without your say

  • No hidden charges when using TokenPocket and best for last

  • TokenPocket provides other features which includes but not limited to

Staking of coins

Accessing of dapps/dapps browser


Modifying your account details

These and many more.

With a fully devoted team, TokenPocket listens to theirs users and to ensure such activities goes on clearly, different channels were set in place to easily listen to what features users needed to be worked on or what issue they might be facing and one of such platforms is their telegram channel where admins are always available to listen to customers.

If you would like to learn more about TokenPocket, then check the different channels provided below.

TokenPocket is available for IOS, Android, and PC respectively and you can easily download the app today from

Follow TokenPocket on Twitter and be the first to get the latest happenings surrounding TokenPocket Here

Join their Telegram channel and chat with the admins about TokenPocket features and possibly other blockchain activities Here

Join their reddit channel to keep up with promotions, competitions and others Here

Till some other time, stay bless and enjoy this new month to it fullest

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