TokenGo-Business Tokenization Platform Powered by Blockchain Based
TokenGo is a blockchain based business tokenization platform offering fair rewards to its participants who form a local community of actual and potential investors and cryptocurrency investment experts.
The TokenGo platform is based on blockchain, using proprietary solutions designed and coded from scratch to improve the speed and scaling performance of the network. Owing to its architecture, the TokenGo technology concept provides for easy integration of any mobile or web application with blockchain functions through the simple TokenGo API. The unique TokenGo smart contract constructor minimizes the impact of the human factor on systematization and regulation of ICO procedures.
GoCoin (GOC) is a single payment instrument on the TokenGo platform, a cryptocoin which is generated daily as a result of minting based on the proprietary,modified DPoP consensus algorithm. GoCoin is distributed among the platform participants by a special algorithm and provides financial backing for ICO procedures on the TokenGo blockchain.
As has been rightfully mentioned above, apart from paying remunerations for Harvesting and Activity, up to 90% of the total amount received from Minting is distributed among the GoPower token holders. Let us consider its definition, char-acteristics and economic potential at TokenGo in more detail.
GoPower (GPT)
GoPower is a token emitted on the Ethereum blockchain. GPT is the fundamental highly liquid unit of the platform and is used for the TokenGo ICO. The total amount of tokens produced is limited to 700 million GPT. No additional emissions are provided for.
GoPower Token Cost Growth
Starting from the first day of the ICO procedure, the cost of GoPower tokens will increase by 0.5% a day. The final cost of GPT will be fixed on the last day of the ICO.
Distributing Tokens for ICO
The general scheme of distributing the whole amount of emitted GPT is as follows:
GoPower Token Cost Growth : 700 000 000 GPT
Amount put up for free sales : 600 000 000 GPT
Reserve for mutual settlements with strategic partners and early investors : 50 000 000 GPT
Reserve for the development team : 30 000 000 GPT
Reserve for distribution during the Bounty Campaign : 20 000 000 GPT

All unused tokens will be destroyed
Dates: February - April 2018.
Soft Сap : 10 000 ЕTH.
Hard Сap : 250 000 ETH.
Finished on : either by reaching Hard Cap or upon reaching the end of the ICO.
ICO Bonus Program
Minimum number of GoPower tokens to be purchased – 1 GPT.All the bonuses are cumulative.
Global Bonuses for ICO
the 1st week of ICO — 30%;
the 2nd week of ICO — 20%;
the 3rd week of ICO — 10%;
the 4th week of ICO — 5%.
Personal Referral Bonuses for ICO
When purchasing:
Purchase of 100 to 1000 GPT — 5%to the invitee and 10% to the inviter.
Purchase of 1001 to 5000 GPT — 10%to the invitee and 20% to the inviter.
Purchase of 5001 to 1000 GPT — 15% to the invitee and 25%to the inviter.
Purchase of 10001 GPT — 20% to the invitee and 30%to the inviter.
Road Map
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