Space AI ICO Sale: Your Ticket to Massive Profits and Cutting-Edge Finance

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In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to identify promising investment opportunities while avoiding potential scams. But there is one question, Which has troubled all the investors that every month plenty of ICO comes and many of them are destined to fail. It’s also possible that it is some kind of Ponzi scheme.

So how do we identify where to turn to make 10X profits? One of the high-potential ICO is going to be live on 20th June. Much awaited SPACE AI ICO Sale. They are launching it on 20th June.

In this blog post, we will give you all the details related to the ICO and why you should grab this opportunity as soon as possible.

ICO Timeline and Price Details

The SPACE AI token ICO is scheduled to start on June 20th, 2023, and will conclude on June 30th, 2023.

To participate in the ICO, interested investors can visit the official SPAI website or click on the provided link:

The ICO will commence with a starting price of $0.015 per token. It’s noteworthy that SPACE AI is built on the trusted ERC 20 Token standard and is also developing its own blockchain, which promises nearly zero gas fees.

There are 1,000,000,000 SpAI tokens in total, with 3% of the tokens ready to be sold during the ICO. The soft cap for the token is set at $100k USDT, while the hard cap is $400k USDT.

The ICO supply is valued at $400,000, and the fundraising goal is to cover the expenses of listing and IEO (Initial Exchange Offering), ensuring a successful start and expansion of the SPACE AI Finance ecosystem.

Exploring Space AI’s Token Distribution Plan

SPACE AI Finance has designed a well-structured token distribution plan to ensure a sustainable and balanced ecosystem. Here is an overview of the token allocation:

Community Airdrops, Awards Events, and Marketing Activities: 15% of the tokens will be allocated for community engagement and promotional initiatives.

Private Sale (ICO): 3% of the tokens will be reserved for private sale, enabling early investors to participate in the ICO.
Presale (IDO/IEO) and Listing: 15% of the tokens will be set aside for the presale and listing phases, ensuring liquidity and exchange availability.

Liquidity Pool: 7% of the tokens will be dedicated to the liquidity pool, supporting a stable and liquid market.
Listing on Exchanges: 25% of the tokens will be used for listing on exchanges, increasing accessibility and market exposure.

Ecosystem Development: 10% of the tokens will be allocated to developers participating in the growth and enhancement of the SPACE AI ecosystem.

DeFi Partnerships: 10% of the tokens will be reserved for strategic partnerships in the decentralized finance space.
Treasury and Reserve: 5% of the tokens will be held for treasury purposes and to ensure stability in the ecosystem.

Why SPACE AI Finance?

SPACE AI Finance is a revolutionary player in the financial industry, providing a secure and intelligent platform with a wide range of cutting-edge features and utilities. Participating in the SPACE AI ICO offers investors several compelling reasons to seize this opportunity:

Reason-1 Investors gain exclusive early access to the innovative financial ecosystem of SPACE AI Finance. The platform seamlessly integrates decentralized finance (DeFi) and centralized finance (CeFi) application modules, creating a comprehensive resource system that caters to diverse financial needs.

Reason-2 SPACE AI Finance uses a zero-gas blockchain to ensure fast and low-cost transactions. Unlike typical blockchain networks that charge hefty fees, SPACE AI Finance uses innovative technology to reduce transaction costs, making it an appealing option for traders and investors looking for maximum efficiency.

Reason-3 SPACE AI Finance provides users with comprehensive market information and AI-based price predictions. By equipping yourself with accurate insights and predictions, you can make informed decisions, increasing your potential for success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Learn More: SPACE AI Finance Ecosystem

1. AI Swap: This decentralized exchange (DEX) serves as a peer-to-peer marketplace, connecting cryptocurrency buyers and sellers.

2. AI Liquidity: Recognising the importance of liquidity in DeFi, SPACE AI Finance enables users to supply funds to DeFi platforms, generate LP tokens, and stake them with farming protocols to earn native platform tokens.

3. AI Bridge: The AI Bridge technology enables the transfer of digital assets and information between blockchains. It serves as a connection, monitoring events on the source blockchain and initiating appropriate actions on the destination blockchain.

4. SP Earn: Users can earn rewards by participating in liquidity provisions or locking their cryptocurrencies for a specific period.

5. Space Launch: SPACE Launch serves as an IDO Launchpad, utilizing crowdfunding to raise funds for promising crypto projects. SPACE Launch fuels innovation and supports the growth of promising projects, providing a launchpad for new ideas.

6. SP NFT Marketplace: The SP NFT Marketplace is a comprehensive platform for buying, selling, and creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

7. SP Info: SP Info is an initiative by SPACE AI to provide users with the most comprehensive news, recent updates, and historical data resources.

8. SP iPay: SP iPay is a secure payment module that facilitates cross-border transactions using cryptocurrencies. Leveraging the advantages of blockchain technology.

9. SP CeFi: SPACE AI Finance offers a range of trading and financial services in the cryptocurrency market, including spot, margin, futures, lending, and options trading.

SPACE AI Roadmap and Future Growth

SPACE AI Finance has a well-defined roadmap for future development and expansion. In the first quarter of 2023, SPACE AI Finance focused on refining its business plan and engaging with the community.

The second quarter marked a significant milestone with the launch of Dex AI Swap V1.0, Simultaneously, a presale campaign generated interest and support for the project.

In the third quarter, SPACE AI Finance concentrated on expanding its reach and accessibility, listing on prominent exchanges, and developing the V3.0 Expanded Module, introducing SpNFT and Bridge functionalities.

Looking ahead to 2024, SPACE AI Finance has ambitious plans for further growth. The team plans to release a mobile app in the first part of the year, allowing users to seamlessly access the platform from their Android and iOS smartphones.

Additionally, with the release of V6.0, SpCeFi, a comprehensive suite of services covering spot, margin, futures, options, perpetual swaps, loans, and mining, will be introduced. The roadmap also includes exciting utilities such as Crypto Forex Services, Tokenizing Assets, games, and integration with the Metaverse.


The SPACE AI Finance ICO presents a unique opportunity for investors to be part of a revolutionary financial ecosystem. With its innovative features, efficient transactions, AI-powered insights, and a comprehensive suite of services, SPACE AI Finance offers a gateway to new possibilities in the world of cryptocurrencies.

By participating in the ICO, investors can unlock early access to the platform and contribute to its growth and development. As SPACE AI Finance continues to expand and introduce exciting functionalities, it aims to redefine the financial industry and empower users with intelligent and secure financial solutions.

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