A week in the Countryside, Part II

in #tography3 years ago


A week in the Countryside

Hi all Nature Lovers!
At the southern part of Billingen is Rådene Herrgård and a little west towards Stenstorp the town of Häggum. Today's pictures are a continuation of our stay for a week in the landscape around the old medieval Rådene church as there is now only a deserted cemetery, a belfry and a memorial stone and a runic carved tombstone.

Hej alla naturälskare!
Vid Billingens södra del ligger Rådene Herrgård och lite västerut mot Stenstorp ligger orten Häggum.
Dagens bilder är en fortsättning på vår vistelse i landskapet runt den gamla medeltida Rådene kyrka där det nu bara finns en ödekyrkogård, en klockstapel, en minnessten och en runristad gravsten. Kyrkan raserades (som jag tidigare skrev i del I) 1866.











Text and photo by Morgan Carlsson @scc664
You can also follow me on Instagram;
and on Hive;

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Photographic Links

Anders Petersens website; http://www.anderspetersen.se/ and a movie by Stefan Bladh. Anders Pedersen - Utan längtan ingen bild. https://www.svtplay.se/video/22672306/utan-langtan-ingen-bild-anders-petersen
Christer Strömholm; https://www.stromholm.com/
Stig Albansson; https://www.stigalbansson.se/ and on Instagram
Valérie Belin; https://valeriebelin.com/

Photography Festivals



If you like fractals, you can also visit these addresses; @see5staar and @rndness222


An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was, "Inför Fars Dag - Musikerpapporna!"


Göran Bjelkendal blogger

Art and Photography

You can see advanced Photoshop exercises here @ykdesign
Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet https://moderskeppet.se/kunskap/bildbehandling/kunskap/digital-bildbehandling/

Literature - Movies - Music

Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren. You can read it here, try this address; http://www.fritenkaren.se/
and his complete poems October Harvest. You can buy it here; https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Christian+Lanciai&ref=nb_sb_noss
Christian 2006bcd.jpg
Owner /editor and responsible publisher Magnus Christian Aurelio Lanciai to the Magazine Fritänkaren.

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