Our very first AIRDROP is ON! We are distributing 40,000,000 (1%)of our total TMED tokens. How can you join in? Follow the few rules below and you can be part of the revolution in healthcare
- Follow our Telegram Group and Telegram channel (administered in English) or our KakaoTalk group chat (administered in Korean).
- Fill out this AirDrop registration form so we can have your identification and Ethereum wallet address.
- You have to stay in the Telegram Group & Channel or KakaoTalk group until the end of the ICO
- You will receive 1,000 TMED Tokens at the end of the ICO.
- The full process will take you less than 10 minutes to complete
Airdrop sign up form: https://mdsqr.typeform.com/to/zdK9IU
Telegram Group: https://t.me/mdsqr
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mdsqrchannel
KakaoTalk Group: https://open.kakao.com/o/ggujRmP
Great post! I just followed and upvoted you! Follow me back @relsserd.
The working application is ready to download Google play, App Store https://mdsqr.io