Small improvements can do good for tits - Fixing mistakes (Tit photosincluded!)

in #tits6 years ago

We all love tits and we should offer them only the best we can. That's why I want to help you all to fix the small, easy mistakes which people might make when handling tits in their lives.

This is not me. It's just a really handsome looking doctor I found on Pixabay. He's here just to see some tits.

It's a somewhat common hobby to build birdhouses for tits and other birds. Tits are one of the most loved birds in the world, as men and women all around the globe hope to see a bunch of tits in their home. Be it great tits or some other tits, they're all awesome.


So what I have learned about birdhouses is a very important detail regarding the bottom piece of the birdhouse. When I had made a bunch of birdhouses last autumn (a photo can be found in my old, old post). I had been lazy with this and just cut a large enough piece of wood to cover the bottom, but this is the wrong way to make it.

During rain the rainwater can run down the sides and when they meet the incorrectly placed floorpiece, the water might just run in the birdhouse instead of falling down to the groud. This can cause a serious risk to baby birds and cause them to get wet, cold and ultimately to die.

Yes, the artwork is done by me.

I fixed the floorpiece even though I had earlier made small holes in the bottom of the birdhouse to help possible water to flow out.


Because of this, it's extremely important to have the floorpiece inside the wall pieces of the birdhouse. This might require a small amount of extra work and if you don't want large gaps in the birdhouse floor, you'll have to saw straight (which is also an issue for me).

Most of you might know everything included in the post already from before. This might mean you all have happy little tits living in the birdhouses you've built, but I've been fixing the birdhouses I've built and noticed it would've been much faster to get it right the first time.

Here you go, a photo of tits you all were waiting for. From Pixabay.


I am happy you made the improvements as there is nothing worse than cold wet tits. Just think you have been endangering all your new tits in your garden.

I know. Warm, happy and lively tits are what we'd all like to see.
Handle the tits with love, they deserve it.

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