How to Make Artificial Rain?

in #tips6 years ago

Have you ever heard the term artificial rain? Like what the hell is actually the artificial rain? Is it a rain made by humans? And how does the process of artificial rain occur? Let's find out ...

Actually the term artificial rain does not mean the job of making or creating rain. But artificial rain is a technology that aims to increase and accelerate the fall of rain. In order to form artificial rain hence the availability of clouds that have adequate water content, has a low wind speed, as well as other conditions.

The aircraft is doing a cloud seeding to stimulate the rain

Artificial rain is made by sowing clouds by using materials that are hygroscopic (absorb water) so that the process of growth of rain grains in the cloud will increase and then will accelerate the occurrence of rain. Clouds used to make artificial rain is a type of cloud Cumulus (Cu) which looks like a cauliflower. Once the cloud location is known, the aircraft carrying a special powder to bring down rain is flown to the clouds.

The special powder consists of glacial in the form of Silver Iodide. It serves to form ice. The aircraft also carries powders to "combine" hygroscopic clouds of water in the clouds such as kitchen salt or Sodium Chloride (NaCl), or CaCl2 and Urea.

To be able to form heavy rain, usually required a special powder as much as 3 tons of sowing to Cumulus cloud for 30 days. Oh yes, the process of making this artificial rain is not necessarily successful loh. It could have failed or even the rain made in the wrong place whereas it has cost a lot in the making. Therefore, the spread of rain seeds should pay attention to wind direction, humidity and air pressure.

Artificial rain is usually made to help drought-prone areas, or it can be made for filling of reservoirs, lakes, for clean water, irrigation, power plants (hydropower), as well as anticipation of forest or land fires and haze. Oh yes, because this artificial rain is a weather modification, then artificial rain can occur anytime without having to wait for the sky overcast. And also not to worry, because artificial rainwater is not much different from the original rain.


Great post

Great post

Beautiful post

Thank you :)

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