5 Ways to Improve MEMORY

in #tips7 years ago


  1. Try to get rid of depression, at any price depression

first thing on the list is: Try to get rid of stress and depression, at any price!

All that causes a lot of stress in your life, including anxiety or anger, will eventually eat away parts of the brain responsible for memory. The worst form of stress is just depression.

Depression is often misinterpreted as a memory problem because one of the main symptoms inability to concentrate. If you can not concentrate at school or at work, and at the same time you feel like you keep forgetting things - the problem is that you were not focused enough at the time you remembered them.

Depression causes increased levels of cortisol in the bloodstream, which increases the amount of cortisol in the brain. You can even see which part of the brain most affected by cortisol, which is exactly the hippocampus - a part of the brain that plays an important role in memory. One study showed that depressed people, even if they were depressed only one year, suffered a 12-15 percent loss in the hippocampus. Since the hippocampus, a center for short-term memory, long depression destroys the brain's ability to remember something new.

  1. Navigate to walk
    if you ever take a break at work or from school, and simply went on walking kretku sure you know how much positive impact it can have. Exercising does not only affect the body - but also the brain.

Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases and conditions that eventually leave havoc on the brain, including Alzheimer's disease. Blood vessels become more and more difficult to perform its task as possibly leading to heart attack and stroke.

The brain depends on the energy it receives from oxygen and nutrients from the blood, and when these nutrients do not come, the brain's ability to work has been seriously compromised. So, in order to allow blood to move freely to the brain, get up from your chair (after you finish reading this article, of course) and a little stretch or walk around (at least the room or office). He'll take you a few minutes, the brain will be very grateful.

  1. Visualization and associations keys

old saying: A picture is worth a thousand words, then convert piles of words in pictures you could help in memory.

Here is one example: when you release the keys on the kitchen table, just imagine them to eat all the food on the table. Later, when you are asked where the keys are, your brain will automatically find the unusual image in its database - and you will immediately remember where the keys are.

Especially good technique for students is to associate with the answers to the test items that will be found near them at the time of the exam. For example: The answer to the first question is associated with a pencil, the answer to the second question with a calculator ... And as soon as you look at an object, such as a pencil - your brain will easily list all the information that you connect to it. Even more secure method of memorization was imagining the story that connects all your items.

Of course, this is all you can sound bizarre and like something that only fools do, but you can not deny that also sounds fun. And besides, it was checked by a technique known for years. Top poker players is used to remember all the cards in a blanket. Remove only one card from the deck, and show the rest of the top poker players and magicians - and they will tell you straight away that card missing. All used the technique of visualization and association.

  1. Method dismemberment dismemberment

might easily remember a list of foods that you need to buy, but regularly forget your PIN or phone number. In this situation, the method of dismemberment could be ideal for you. Your number you can remember much, much easier if you save as a three-digit numbers instead of two three-digit.

Tearing asunder large amount of information into smaller pieces so they are easier to remember.

For example, we'll take the six-digit phone number, although this technique is useful to remember a lot kopleksnijih information. If your number is 123-456 and destroy it first. You've got 12 34 56. Further, the aid coming in the above method of visualization and association. Have fun, create your own story, and for the purpose of this article ... we will create a ... Twelve dwarfs, who lived in a forest street entrance number thirty-four, every day they had to cross the fifty-six kilometers of road to the mine sweets staffed ...

Remember: fragmentation method is not limited to the numbers, let your imagination and share large chunks of information into smaller pieces, with the game of telling a story, the results can be fascinating.

  1. Use the environment to your exam

key to this extremely effective, method is the association of objects at the moment are around you with the information you want to remember. For example, if you need to remember medical advice, the watch upside down at the moment when he tells you. Your brain will remember this action, which will serve as the trigger the next time you look at your watch.

If in the middle of the night wake up and want to remember the dream you just had, dropping an object from the nightstand to the floor, like a book. In the morning when you wake up and you see a book on the floor, the dream will automatically appear in your brain.

If you need to remember to pick up the suit from the dry cleaners, empty hanger hang in a prominent place. It does not matter what they have to remember, it is important that resembles an action or the subject of the moment when you first receive the information.

Another example for students: If you want to remember the answer to the test at the moment when it be remembered, squeeze a handful. On examination, before the professor, squeeze a handful again (quietly, without thinking that you want to attack) and the memory will return, and you'll (hopefully) pass the exam.

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