7 Tips for Successful Keyword Search and SEO

in #tips8 years ago

If you have decided that you are going to advertise your internet business using search engine optimization, then you need to do some keyword search before you do anything else. Keywords will ultimately get you the visitors to your website that you need to be successful. 

Using a keyword tool like Google Adwords Keyword Tool will give you ideas on the keywords your customers are using in their searches to find what they want. Be careful though, not all keywords are good ones. Some may be not work for you. So choose wisely.

No matter how you are going to advertise, article marketing, PPC (pay-per-click) or search engine optimization, effective keywords are important to each one. Below are simple tips you can follow to do a keyword search.

1. Do a Google search for Google Adwords Keyword Tool.

2 When you get there, type a keyword related to whatever product or service you are offering in the search bar.

3. Type in the captcha security characters in the box provided.

4. Click "get keyword ideas".

5. You will get a list of keyword search marketing ideas related to your product or service and info on how many searches that particular keyword gets and what your competition is, in numbers. What you are looking for when you see these numbers is a high search rate with low competition. This is a good keyword. 

6. Now, open Notepad and copy and paste the good keywords you find into it. Remember, finding good keywords may take some time. It is not always as easy as it sounds. They generally do not just jump right off the page into your lap. Be patient.

7. Keep searching, do this over and over again until you have several keywords that will work for you. Then you can start putting on your website together.  

Oh, by the way, the domain name you purchase for your website should be one of these keywords followed by .com, .net, .org, etc. That way, when someone searches for that specific keyword, your site will be the first one they see at the top of the search results page. 

Take that momentum and just build on it. Try not to get discouraged if you don't make any money right away. Just learn new and different ways to drive more and more traffic to your website. The money will come later. This is by no means a get rich quick kind of thing. This does take work. Just like anything you have that is worthwhile, you have to work for it.

Starting a new internet business can be intimidating and confusing. You have to learn and understand what it is your customers want and need. Keyword research and SEO is the first step in that process.


Keyword Internet Marketing Tool


Using the right tools will help you get your internet business up and running faster and get the traffic you need to start making sales.

Keywords are just that, key. They are the key to opening the door and letting the people who are looking for your product in. The right keywords, used correctly, are a very important aspect of a successful internet business.

There are several things to keep in mind when starting your keyword research. Choose your keywords carefully. Make sure they are keywords that are actually being used by searchers today and are not outdated. Your keyword tool should have a section to help you with this. This way you can stay current and keep visitors coming to your website.

Use the keywords in articles or in a blog on your website. Write your own original content or if you do not consider yourself a writer, hire someone who is. Just give them your compiled list of keywords and have them write the articles or blog posts you need.

The paid versions will often offer you a lot more in terms of not just finding a good keyword but also helping you really dig down and finding some more obscure, yet great, keywords. The one problem you will face when using the Google keyword tool is that everyone is else is using it too. That means that hundreds or more of online marketers will be using this tool and focusing on the same keywords. 

Learning how to do effective keyword research is the first step to making serious cash online. When you first start out you probably don't have a lot of extra cash and if not, using a free keyword internet marketing tool will work just fine. 

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