The former egg shells should not be thrown but finely ground because they are useful for this ..

in #tips6 years ago

Many people do not know that the egg shells we throw every day, there are benefits!

  1. The eggshell can clean the mop

Mop at home is too oily? Smell? Do these steps:

  1. Heat the water in one container, put in a mop and eggshell
  2. Cook and leave for 5 minutes
  3. Remove the mop, and clean it with clean cold water
  4. Of course, dry the mop and see, your pelag must be clean

Apparently: The eggshell has a protein layer which functions to clean oil and smell bad!

  1. Whiten Clothes

Many people use bleach to whiten clothes even though the whitening material of the clothes really damages the environment

Use this method:

  1. Finely mash the eggshell
  2. Use stock, or thin clothes to hold flakes of egg flakes
  3. Put in a container of cooked water that is still hot, let stand for 5 minutes
  4. Then, put your white shirt on, chuck it - rub it, and remove it, it must be pure white!

So your shirt is yellowing, don't throw it away! Try this method!

  1. Remove the crust

Drink bottles that have been used for a long time, there must be a crust right? Now do the following steps:

  1. Put the finely ground eggshell into a cup / bottle containing hot water.
  2. Add a small amount of clean water.
  3. Close tightly, whisk for 2 minutes
  4. Open, and clean the contents and the results, clean completely!
  1. Clean the blackheads

Wow! Blackheads can also be cleaned?

  1. Clean your face and wipe dry.
  2. Pay attention, make sure the pores in your nose are open ...
  3. In the egg, there will be a thin layer at the bottom of the shell, take it and stick it on your nose full of blackheads, wait dry.
  4. 5 minutes later (if it is fully tacked and dried), remove and wash your face once again to close komedomu. Feel the new nose!
  1. Nanam bunga

Remember, when breaking eggs to cook, leave the egg white a little to:

  1. Put the eggshell with egg white in a container containing clean water.
  2. Flush the flowers with the water you put in the eggshell.
    This is an extraordinary vitamin for flowers.
  1. Repel ants

If your house is full of ants, don't use ants, danger ... Just do the method below:

  1. Burn the eggshell with a until until slightly burnt.
  2. Crush the eggshell into a powder splash, and sprinkle it in the ant nest or the place where the ant is located.

Guaranteed, the ants run away 100%!

Unique, friends? Tried it!

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