What’s in store for $Tip

in #tip9 months ago

$Tip token exploded last month creating a storm on X/Twitter. Since the beginning of September their profile has garnered almost 300K followers. In that time they have had three “epochs” of farming points for their token by engaging with posts that tag them or use $tip or the appropriate hashtags in comments, quotes or original posts.

After the 1st epoch they released the token and airdropped it based on points that participants gathered.

The token took off like wildfire and exploded!! They created a liquidity pool on Uniswap (it’s an $eth smart contract token) and also got several CEX to list their coin. In the ensuing month the value has dropped off from a high of almost a tenth of a penny CAD per token to an almost low today.

They released the rewards for epoch2 today and many folks cashed out pretty immediately sending the price plummeting to 0.00025 as of this writing.

I managed to get several tokens and sold a little (“taking profit”) but I’m curious as to what is in store for this little gem.


The promise is that the team will be releasing their own platform and not relying on Twitter to garner any traffic moving forward. They still have one more epoch to pay out from which, according to their stated tokenomics won’t be as big of a payout as in epoch 2.

I wonder what kind of upward action could be in store for this token. The only people who have it would be those who earned points for it on Twitter and those would be the people that would be into getting into the next step on the “Tipcoin” platform.

It remains to be seen what kind of hype this will generate. Is it “new” and “fresh” enough to attract new users and buyers of the token? Or do we see the same 13000 holders vying for more on this project.

I have my doubts that we are going to see anything big happen from this but I’m holding on now just in case. We may see another little pump before they release epoch 3 tokens and by then we may know more about what the platform will be like but “socialfi” projects like this one and Friend.tech seem to have short hype-spans.

Prove me wrong though and I’m a happy crypto enthusiast with a pretty nice bag of this one.

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