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RE: Tiny Homes, Agenda2030 and Climate change: What's the connection?

in #tinyhomes6 years ago

Excellent information to get out there to people so they can start connecting dots to what is going on.

The other side of Agenda 21 ala 2030 is how they are getting people off the land and herded into the "megacities" to live in these boxes.

Living in Australia I see examples such as

  • fracking, mining in general poisoning the land
  • private corporations coming in and claiming they own the water. Pepsi or Coca Cola, Nestle, whatever the twats are called.
  • recently in Queensland the farmers are in uproar due to the proposed legislation to come in that they cannot clear vegetation on their own land to plant crops without govt approval
  • UNESCO sites given over to the elites to do as they please (Kakadu National Park proposed uranium mining)

Just a couple off the top of my head but it is slowly being rolled out and the farmers know it. We go around and plant the seed (no pun intended) in their head by telling them to check out Agenda 21 and how to find it on the internet.

As for the fucking celebrities. Thought of Matt Damon recently when watched his latest movie "Downsizing". Ha not ironic he is promoting that shit.

And don't get me started on Frontman Bono.

Just my 2 cents about this article. Shall resteem out of necessity.


Thank you @izzynoel good to see you are well aware of what I trying to put out there for the masses.

Sometimes I just want to shake people and tell them to wake up! They are literally telling us to our faces what they intend to do with humanity. It's insane!

I forgot it was Matt Damon in that downsizing (haven't actually watched it) film. He pushes that global citizen crap along with bono and others. Scumbags!

Anyways, thank you so much for the resteem and leaving such a great comment on my post. ☺️

haha I know I went through that stage where I want to shake people awake but I calmed down now. You can't wake up everyone and I now concentrate on the ones that do listen and need a little encouragement in the right direction. Much more practical for me or I would go insane.

I'm still new around here. I will go back and read your older blogs. If you haven't already, should do one on the celebrities and expose them.

Yeah, you're right about that. Good idea, perhaps I'll write a post like that in the future, after I finish up the other ones I'm working on.

Welcome to steemit by the way.

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