Hyperspace=Time/DImensional Travel IT'S FUCKING REAL BABY WOOOT!
i always felt that all things have always veen in my heart and soul or we could create them /the experiance any time we want. OH shit i figured out how you dimensional travel now!
You do it interally & what some percieve to be external threw quasi-physical technology like acclerating time space around you like a you create a sphere around yourself basically a warp bubble like a warp drive sphere field.
This requires tremendous energy with technology generally.
- however you can do this either just using magic .
- a anti-matter reactor generator.
- Zero Point Energy Generator
So basically i feel you accelerate the space around you to the speed of light and once you cross that threshold you can basically enter hyperspace.
Hyperspace= Space between dimensions for travel i know you can because i talk with beings using telepathy every day in other parts of our galaxy and far beyond even other dimesnions. So if your thoughts can do that then obviously we can as well!
What does it take just belief a loving trusting heart and believing in yourself and others! Dosen't have to be more complicated u certiantly can if you like however!
(orginally posted= https://fetlife.com/groups/156836/group_posts/13435243)