Immortality. Would you really want to live forever (well if given a chance)?

in #timetravel6 years ago

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It depends on the conditions I could do that but I doubt I would like to live forever. I admit that the attachment that we humans have to our body and earthly life is pretty strong but I also think that LIFE is much more than this and that the Universe has unlimited potential. 

Living forever in this body that I have and in this world that seems to become more and more crazy I don't think would be that great. Now, I don't know either if reincarnation really exists and how it works but if that thing works and you could also live on other planets I think I would opt for that too. I have some decades of experience on this one and why not try something different also. 

As I mentioned in the beginning of the comment the attachment that I have for my body, my mind and my consciousness unconsciously fuels the desire for immortality and prolonging this life. However in the perfect scenario of immortality and living forever on this planet I would definitely like to live in my 20s body and having also the health I had back then but with the thinking that I have now. 

I wouldn't want though to live forever on Earth as an old man or as a child. It's hard to give a strong YES to your question though. Part of me that is the "cave man one" definitely wants this but the other, the conscious and spiritual one would definitely "explore" some other dimensions also. Thus I am somewhere between a YES and a NO for your questions. It's interesting to think about this situation and see how the mind reacts to it. 

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