timing is literally everything

in #time6 years ago (edited)

you’ve heard the expression used a million times but the more you get entrenched with a decentralised financial crypto world and the more you evaluate your place in the grand scheme of life (i.e your value) the more you realise that being in the right place, at the right time is just as important as sheer luck, maybe their are similar bed fellows or relating cousins.

over the course of the last forty eighty hours i’ve gone from minimising the amount i read, watched video instead and saw the green of the markets trickle back in, loading steem.supply each morning to see the steady roll over steem and sad prices into better territory, seeing the figures rise and the payouts look better than they did.

that’s all great but it also made me realise that we have a whole spread of people in society that have their attention elsewhere, they don’t see it, they miss it, they don’t want to adjust their viewport to see how to make changes and adaptions to their own life to live life on their own terms.

they would rather hand that off to the ‘system’ and the ‘governments’ to make the right decisions for them, the apathy and distraction economy — the one that we fall into when we allow the services around us to dictate the pace we run at.

i’ve never been interested in ‘markets’ i never thought i would be, it seemed so advanced and complicated, so many different terminology’s and processes and information to understand, i still don’t understand all the elements of how things raise and fall, the algorithm side of things — and that’s ok, maybe i never will, i have enough crypto peers around me that i feel that i’ve got enough to make a reasonably informed decision to make.

but more than anything ‘timings’ have made me look inwards at my own processes, the ones i can truly control (or at least have some ability to tweak things) and see how those localised changes can effect my own bubble, my own micro world around me.

how being present in a moment where timing is crucial can fundamentally change the way i human — i’m not waiting for things to change, i’m making nano adjustments and watching the outcomes.

this was part of what made me write about ‘decentralisation’ the other day, i think i got a little lost in it that in some way i’m trying to ‘ledger’ my life in an open format, that’s not what i was trying to get across, instead i was hoping to portray that everything is not fixed, it’s fluid and time based, we have an input on how long things take, it can all run faster than it does, it can all be better and suit and fit your life better if you decide to bend time.

what do i mean by ‘bend time?’ — well first it ain’t no doctor who thing, it’s about processes, routine and time management. one of the hardest things to micro manage, it’s truly taken something like crypto to not only improve how i spend my time but where i spend my value, the value i create by interacting with an algorithm, the steem blockchain. it’s truly fascinating.

blockchains are true time equalisers

in making of the videos for @teamvideo i realised that i showed application and process, what tools to use, how to navigate and how to understand the basics, but what i never did was get into everyday words and terminology that you need to consider when working with a social blockchain.

so i’m gonna give you TEN WORDS (that will help you organise your time and that feed into my creative process) that i realise are massively important (at least to me) not just for success at blogging but blockchain life in general.

words that i live by on a daily basis and that i carry through with me all day and even when i relax at night — it might just help you shape the way you manage your time in engaging with the steem blockchain.

every day i wake up determinate to write. in fact it’s become a compulsion and a required activity before my day begins, i normally fire up breakfast or coffee and before my brain is even engaged i write, i just write. sometimes it’s nothing useful but it’s activity, it’s presence, writing/blogging has always been about firing up that grey matter to shape my day otherwise time has a habit of running away with me and hours blend together and then it’s dark!

i truly believe and have belief that in between my daily blogs i put out information of value to someone else in the blockchain. that they can learn from the time i’ve invested in learning the digital tools that make the world go around. you have to have belief in your self, what you are putting out to the world, write for the audience, not for you, find your tribe by trying to have an opinion on how things make you feel, don’t write just for trends.

spend time outside of your writing and posting to really hone a subject that interests you, research shows that you understand what interests you, it’s the different from me watching a video for thirty seconds or to the end, if you know your stuff about a topic chances are someone is going to read or watch to the very end because you are providing value on a topic that people are looking for a condensed (timely) value share of information, over time, you can become a PEER for other people who trust your judgement.

this might be an unusual word that you might not realise you use or apply in your day to day life. for me, my niche(s) are kinda vast because i’m into everything, a bit of a ‘jack of all trades’ when it comes to computers — i’d say one of my niches is video/livevideo — i’ve done a lot of that streaming for clients and helping others get their live streaming setup perfected, so much so it’s stopped me working on my own, it’s like why web designers don’t have up to date personal websites — always working on the clients work.

what do people remember you for. what would you like them to remember you for, what makes you over someones else’s blog memorable, what do they remember about you and your blogs? is it the layout, the graphics, the content, the regular output, your choice of lifestyle or ethics. i’m always intrigued as to why people flock towards certain people. energy levels, positivity, delegation of information or maybe just nosey to the ‘why’ — if you can find your own memorable why then you bump into people at a steamiest you will get that reaction when they read your name badge! :)

what is your unique selling point. what is your USP, treat yourself and the blog like a mini business for a moment, what brings people to you, what makes you a better video person, a better blogger, a more informed crypto expert than the next person — you should always be authentic to the unique properties that you bring to the crypto table, you might want to imitate the style and delivery of another but ultimately what makes us unique and different makes us alternative to the mainstream, when you are this eventually you become the mainstream. read up about ‘long tail’ and you will understand where i’m going with this.

where are you heading, why spend this much time everyday writing and creating for your steem block. is it purely a financial reward or is this really a place where you want to connect with people out there in the world, to bounce ideas and suggests off, to educate yourself while sharing your practice? in a world of ever changing resource and information keeping yourself abreast of change will future proof your digital journey in this open ledger blockchain.

every time i get excited about a project or hobby i always try and inspire people to ‘have a go’ — if we are switching to a more attention economy way of living that will mean that those experiences you have that others have not had will have a value way more than money. timing like the title of this post says is everything — why do memes become memes? why did a video go viral, break down the information you are putting out and make sure it ticks the boxes of what it contains to inspire people.

give people education along the way, give people back things you have learned freely, at no cost if you can afford the time, you will get karma and respect back in a million times the initial investment cost (and not always from the perspective of financial) if you share your learnings. this sector especially needs more education, after watching the US senate hearing on crypto yesterday we need to inform not just the next generation but all generations have been used to the pacing of older financial systems for them to truly allow and embrace the changes of a modern ever evolving digitally orientated world.

also be open to accommodate an opinion. we are in a prime position to have an open, decentralised debate in a safe environment with global witnesses that are willing to put in ‘time’ to maintain this network of connected information stored on a ledger, respect them and follow them, empower the witnesses like they empower us — where possibly always be accommodating to people who have less knowledge than you, do that extra step, take time to save someone else time.

T E A M H U M B L E x
‘have a great day people’

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.


how we can educate people if they are not willing to listen us

great question. how would you suggest doing it? people have to be open to being educated instead of ruling with an iron fist of 'not willing to listen' -- it takes all kinds of education, from all sectors of society, official or abstract, indirect or in passing. if people don't want to listen i'm not gonna force anybody. not everyone is awake to the world around them! :) they have to be open before they can take in information!

being a teacher, This question always irritate me, your post make me clear

man this post is everything, i mean starting from finding a niche and perfecting the craft giving back to the society true value of what one holds especially giving back to the steemit community. i'm really inspired by this post brother, the advises and all of that. i'm actually a forex trader trading currency pairs(fiat money) with my favorite broker. i never thought people could appreciate or look into what i will be sharing, i mean the forex thingy since this community is based on just cryptos but you made me realize people out here could be interested in the value i have to offer with that way i'm giving back to the community.

i'm glad i could provide some context ;) thanks for the props.

Thanks bro

Always thought about what could help standing out from the crowd a little more than usual. But at times it can be hard to find the right way:) Some people just seems to have a talent for that.

sure, and your right, but how did they get that talent to find what works, how did they find their voice. by using some of those keywords and putting themselves in the seat of the viewer rather than the curator i often find is a good start. iteration is sexy, trust me! :)

Yeah man. I guess it makes sense to research those "more successful" than you and see what they are doing. But it's always a balance of finding your own style at the same time:)

absolutely. it's all relative. and even success, depends how people even measure that! :)

Damn mouse sick post- big concepts broken down into digestable bites well done, an easy resteem 💕

really my friend, I am also mengeehatikannya today. the market price of steam and sbd is not normal my friend. thank you your information my friends, this could be the material for us who want to learn more neighbors world market digital currency my friend.

sorry i don't understand your message correctly ;(

sorry friends, I mean very true for the price of steam and sbd is currently not normal and today I also pay attention to the increase in price. but I am very happy with your writing this because this can be my material. thank you friends, sorry if my little language is poorly understood because I'm not very good at english. warm regards from my friend, @agusscout.

Great post @teamhumble! I agree Timing is the answer to success!
One of my favorite song:

Time is the essence of everything , for me its time to go to bed now. Lovely this was the last post I read

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