in #time7 years ago


There comes a time in a man's life where we fear for the unknown, the future, spiders , snakes, height, death etc.. Today we will be discussing about fear of time which is equally known as Chronophobia.

Pronunciation: kron'o-fo'be-a.

First what is Chronophobia?

Chronophobia is defined as the persistent and often irrational fear of the future or the fear of passing time. Since time can be considered as a “specific object”, Chronophobia falls under the category of specific phobias. The word Chronophobia is derived from Greek 'chronos' meaning time and phobos meaning fear.source

Chronophobia is a particular mental fear which shows itself as a determined, unusual and ridiculous fear of time or of the passing of time. A related yet substantially rarer fear is chronomentrophobia, the silly fear of clocks and watches.


In the same way as other different fears, the fundamental side effects includes panic, unease, despondency/depression, uneasiness, and regularly a feeling of claustrophobia ( being closed in, with no escape). In some more serious cases,feeling like crying people may encounter shaking, shortness of breath, unnecessary sweating, sporadic heartbeats, notwithstanding sickening perspectives, inability to express words, limited focus and overwhelmingly haunting thoughts,Feeling totally detached from reality, fainting, feeling completely out of control,Feeling like running away,Having overwhelming thoughts of death and dying

Causes of Chronophobia.

  • Chronophobia, as specified above, can go ahead all of a sudden – once in a while, even a basic generous remark like "Time moves so quick" can trigger this phobia in a man effectively experiencing certain nervousness disorders.

  • Phobias can create in light of an outer circumstance or boost. The particular reason may be hard to recognize yet when all is said in done, negative encounters identified with passing of time are presumably the in all probability reason for chronophobia.

  • Then again, many scientists think that hereditary elements and certain anxious personality traits can play an important role in the development of this disorder

  • Depression is a noteworthy trigger of this phobia. A man may turn 40 and abruptly feel empty: this is the time when the children leave the home, and one begins to feeling empty or feels s/he isn't contributing in any capacity.

  • Loss of work, demise of a friend or family member, separation or divorce can likewise trigger Chronophobia.

  • With passing time come the sufferings of old age and also the certainty of death.

  • Women experiencing menopause are more prone to the fear of the future.
  • The phobia is additionally identified with adrenal deficiency, hormonal irregularity, surgery, certain medicinal conditions like thyroid, heart ailments and so on.

  • Sometimes, even a traumatic event in one's youth can trigger this phobia.

How does one treat Chronophobia?

The normal treatment may not work for everybody, but rather they are a good place to start.

  • As a matter of first importance, therapy is a great an awesome choice. Regardless of the possibility that this does not really get rid of the fear, it can comprehend the thinking or cause behind it.

  • Trance/hypnosis, one on one therapy, group therapy, and so on can be exceptionally useful in alleviating the fear or symptoms, and helping the sufferer adapt to their situation.

  • Take things with ease and learn to take one day at a time, rather than stressing over how you will get past the rest of the week or coming month, try and concentrate on today.

  • Medications can likewise facilitate the anxiety, depression, or Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies that accompany Chronophobia. Medications can also help take to care of the symptoms of panic attacks, for example, heart rate, breathing, and so forth.

  • Simple changes in ones life could help to lighten Chronophobia. For instance, in the those who fear time as a result of its restricted/limited qualities living on a more healthier lifestyle such as changing diet or exercising more could show to them that they do have some control over how much time they have on Earth, despite the fact that they can't control time, itself.

  • Additionally take part in different exercises when such comes, exercises like playing computer game, watching TV, read exciting books, go for a stroll.. And so on.


** I would love to know what you fear the most, Make it interesting.** 😊
Points taken from here,here and

Thanks for reading

Till next time I still remain your Euronation's queen @sweetestglo-eu


I fear depth,any time i am going down an elevator or bridge,my heart skips
Need solution for it.

About Chronophobia
Is that the reason we assume that time crawls or run?

Oh dear sorry... No i don't think that is the reason for time crawling, but running yap, especially when one haven't achieved his/her aim in life.

I have deep fear for dark rooms, i wonder if that also have a solution?

Yes there are tons of it, eg Hypnosis, you can start by instead of switching off the lights totally, start by having a head lamp besides you, from head lamp to torch lights, before you know it , you wont be sacred of it anymore... This process could take months but its all worth it.. Meditation is also good... I hope all these helps?

Thanks for visiting

Thanks for the tip

There are so many things a man could be afraid of but when it gets to the point of delirium, the person definitely will need help. I feel those extreme cases of phobias is somehow related to mental challenges because they are very irrational and mainly exists in the subconscious mind rather than in reality.

Yes it all happens in our subconscious minds but most times its as if its a reality...

This is an amazing post Glory.

Being a law student, I and @gunneresq quite experience Chronophobia without even knowing it.

Il give you an instance, it's possible that during the holiday, we watch movies and feel guilty that we wasted a better part of our time.

The reason for this is not far to seek. Watching movies when we have a truckload of assignments and notes to make during school periods has an equal effect.

That being said, I distilled some issues from your post which il love for you to look at

  • Is Chronophobia the normal depression or the latter is a symptom of the former

  • Is it possible to experience Chronophobia without being depressed.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Thanks for the share

Where depression comes in is when you start realising that you have not accomplished a goal or maybe you're not prepared for 'tomorrow' that alone triggers the Chronophobia. Lol, i could relate with watching tv when other task are waiting.. Its really a bad thing

Wow... I fully understand now. Thanks once more for the share

And thanks for stopping by.

i think my phobia is the future. thinking about it alone sends chills down my spine.

Same here, Why it sends down chills is maybe you aint prepared for it yet..

I have the power to stop time, so I'm immune to this phobia :)

Lol, please i would love your assistance then... This is one of the things i fear in life. Thanks for reading.

I'll be sending you some time stopping fairies 😀

Hahahahaha... Will be expecting them.


So there ia actually something called chronophobia, anyways I fear losing my loved ones, I fear being stagnant

Same here.. Yes there is... Thanks for reading.

Very nice and knowledgeable. I never even knew there is anything called chronophobia.
That's why Steemit is the best.

True... Thanks for reading , I am making a series about fears, stay tuned.

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