HOW TO: Hack Time

in #time7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys,

Just a quick life hack for you that I've learned recently. Hands up, who feels like their life seems to be flying by faster and faster every year? Who thinks their childhood was a slow enjoyable time that they wish they could go back to? The summer holidays used to last a lifetime didn't they, and now 6 weeks will go by without any thing exciting happen at all and most importantly in the blink of an eye.


The secret? It's all about your perception. More specifically, how your brain is operating. If you are going through life on autopilot most likely you won't remember anything and it goes by faster than if you were faced with challenges and difficulties that you had to think about. This idea makes sense when we relate it to our childhood. Everyday you were problem solving, figuring things out, figuring out the mechanics of whatever social construct you were born into. Nowadays as an adult, it's not very often we are learning something new. Most of the time we are driving the same way to work and back, doing the same job, spending time with the same people. That's why days, weeks, months and sadly years seem to fly by.

Here's the good news though! We can change it! All you have to do is learn something new, go grocery shopping at a different store, make something new, cook a new meal, talk to a complete stranger.If you do any of these things I can guarantee you your brains recollection of that day will be longer than a day where you did nothing different.

So, I challenge you all to take on a new hobby, drive a different way home our learn a new language. As far as we know, we only get one life and if you want to make the most of it we should make it last as long as possible, even if it's only our memory of that time being longer and not the fact of time actually being stretched. We can't do that..yet.

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