TIME TRAVEL Proofs - Throughout History

in #time7 years ago


Here are 10 possible TIME TRAVEL EVIDENCES that make you think!

  • Women speaking on mobile phone

In a video from 1938 shows a woman is speaking to someone in a mobile phone.This footage was found in 2013 and could indicate evidence of TIME TRAVEL. Because mobile phones were not invented in 1938.

  • TIME TRAVELLER at a football game.

During a live football match in Uruguay this footage was captured. In this video we can see some kind of shadow is running with super speed through aisle.

  • Mohawk Haircut

This Mohawk Haircut appeared in movie " Drums along the Mohawk " in year 1939, starring Henry Fonda.

But see this picture!

A man with a mohawk haircut and it's from 1905.


This haircut had only gained popularity in the 1970s. so how on earth did a man from 1905 choose such a futuristic hairstyle?!!!!



This is a famous photograph that made to think about TIME TRAVEL. It was taken in the early 1940s at the reopening of Southfork bridge in gold bridge British Columbia.
A man with sunglasses and with modern haircut and a Hmong logo printed faded t-shirt and cardigan.

But the point here is SUNGLASSES weren't around that time and also notice how he seemed to be holding a pocket-sized digital camera around his neck which he is holding in his hands!!!

  • Charlie Chaplin's TIME TRAVELLER

This footage was captured from behind the scene in Chaplin's movie " THE CIRCUS"
A women in black dress, with a hat and hold something to her ear that looks like today's mobile phone. This women seems to be talking to someone!..

  • Swiss Watch


This swiss watch was found in ancient Chinese tune. In 2008 when Chinese archaeologists opened an undisturbed giant coffin, they claim that they have found a small ring in the shape of the watch and it may surprise you that the coffin wasn't a 400-year-old tomb in sequin in Shanxi County China.

So how on earth did a ring that looked exactly like a Swiss watch from the present day get inside a 400-year-old tomb? This shocking discovery appeared to show a time frozen at 1006 and Swiss engraved on the back. Could this be a sign of future time-travel?

  • 1800s Astronaut


This sculpture can be found on a pillar, as salamanca cathedral church in Spain. It clearly shows an astronaut and however, you'd be surprised to hear that the church was built between the sixteen hundreds and eighteen hundred so well before space travel and what earth that they carved this spaceman with his suit looking exactly like today's astronauts. Could this be evidence of a spaceman traveling from the future back in time?

  • Ancient man-made object


This proof of time travel comes from mysterious prehistoric hi-tech artifact. Inside this piece of rock appears to be a man-made object that looks like an intent of an industrial screw. Discovered in 2009 in the village of Sarajevo in the Moscow region of Russia, very little is known about this curious object. A similar object also found in Russia is said to be a 300 million-year-old aluminium gear. Some theorists believe that ancient artefacts like this are proof support for the ancient astronaut's theory

  • Mysterious time traveller


The urban legend goes that during June 1950, pass buys at New York City's Times Square notices strange looking man of about 20 years of age dressed in 1800 clothing, looking disoriented and confused while standing in the middle of an intersection. The man was then hit and killed by a taxi. The officials at the mall searched his body and found the following items in his pocket - all copper tokens, a letter from 1876 business cards with the name Rudolph fence and other old but new looking documents.

After investigating the man an NYPD policeman found that Rudolph fence had disappeared in 1876. Had fenced travelled into the future by accident?

  • The Cape Scott story


This photograph was discovered in a book called " the Cape Scott story " by James Grant. The photo taken ins cape scott park dates back to 1917 and shows holidaymakers dressed in typical attire from that time. However, if you look closely there was one man that clearly looks out of place. This mysterious time traveller as long as hair and is wearing a grungy t-shirt and looks more like Anna vanafam from the 1990s. Even more weird is that the men on either side of him seem to be staring at him in disbelief.

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