Are you a slave of Time?

in #time6 years ago

It's true what they told me when I was young. The older I get the more swiftly time flies. Yesterday it was January. Tomorrow it will be June. Where is the time going? I've had time to finish a book, but I'm still only 1/3rd the way through. At least I'm writing again.

Time is of the essence

That's what the legal types all say. What does it mean? Why is it so important to include in legal documents. Time is of the essence. Does that mean time is essential? But isn't time a construct of man? Do you think elephants or ducks care what time it is? They care about getting a meal in before sundown. They understand sunrise and sundown. They understand Full Moon and New Moon. No doubt, they are more cognizant of longer days than we are.

But man invented time. It's more organized but, is it natural? Is it natural to start the day at the same "time" instead of the same sunrise? Would we be better off to follow the natural rhythms of the seasons?

Time is a box

Look at a calendar. The days are boxes contained by a month box which is contained by a year box which is contained by a decade box and on and on. When we are young we are more interested in the day boxes. But as we get older we begin to see the decade boxes and notice that we don't have many left. And then time starts to sail past. We move so much more slowly, but time? Time speeds past like a bullet.

Enjoy your youth

When you are young you can sprint and jump and spin. There is nothing you can't try. Your bones are strong and flexible. Your heart is healthy and new. Your eyes are like the hawk. You have so much to look forward to. Then they introduce you to the boxes. You go to school on these boxes and you go to class at these boxes and you watch tv in these boxes. Before you know it you are trapped in the box mentality.

If you want to get out of the box

break up the routine. Do things for more than the alloted time or less. Take random classes. Get a different work schedule. Don't just think outside the box. Be outside the box. Let nature set your pace. If it's still dark out when you leave for work, it's not a morning job. Morning doesn't start until the sun comes up. Which is different every day. Try to keep your mind as flexible as those bones of yours.

Time is not real

Bottom line: Time is not real. It never has been. Don't be it's slave. Don't live in a box. It's a trap and it will eat your heart out when you get older. Do what you love, when you love doing it. It's the only way to be free.



“Do what you love, when you love doing it.” -- such a beautiful and true sentiment. This is a lovely article, really happy I caught you in my feed and was able to check it out!

Time really does fly, I notice how weeks become months in the blink of an eye. For example, it feels like yesterday I was looking at one of your posts but I know it’s been a long time. Appreciate your writing and your positivity and light here. <3

Beautifully said, and I totally agree with you! At 62 years old, I get up when my eyes open (no matter what "time" that is); I go to bed when I'm sleepy. I eat when I'm hungry (and have a very small snack when I need to take my pills with food) ... I go with the flow of the day and my body - and yet time seems to pass faster than when I was young, worked 40-50 hours/week, swam at 5:30 am every day and did housework and errands in the evenings and on the weekend; and never seemed to even have time for socializing, lol.

Time is fast but we have to be ourselves and enjoy life.

Thank you for your sharing.

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