12 Time Travelers Predictions and Overview from 1970s to the year 9000. ApexTV Investigation.

in #time6 years ago (edited)

Let's first start off with saying that I'm a time traveler as I travel 1 second forward in time every second of everyday and will continue for the rest of my life. So the fact that we all travel time is real. Things just get Erie when we go faster, slower or reverse time. Here is 12 Examples of Time Travelers and Highlighted some of the important predictions or suggestions some of the people bring up. The future looks bright and interesting and then sometimes rather dark. All of these must be some type of warning deeply programmed in them to write and speak these things or they are really time travelers. This is an Overview of A lot of videos from ApexTV, some seem to hold some creditably of something possible but most of them claim they can't even go back to their present day but others seem to.


Claims to have been to the future many times and Worked for British intelligence agency. Claims many keep secret projects away from normal people. Says time travel started in 1981. Also parallel universe traveling like an alternate universe not always the same. Small sphere 1 person can sit in with the outside made of 4 inches out of lead. Was told we live in a simulation and all universe is simulations and when you travel you go to the 4th dimension first. Seen flying cars and seemed to have low oxygen. Then went back to present day, said he was gone a few minutes but when he got back said he was gone a few seconds. Says universes are linked together and explains Mandela effect and timelines. In 8973 was when it was projected technology and humans fully become one of the same. When he arrived people was different, skinny with big eyes. The people said they was a mix of robots and humans and live forever and live on many planets and people even live in simulations. Public travel sphere vehicles with buttons to destinations. Met other time travelers that looked like himself. No crime for time traveling there. All solutions was solved even time and perception of it. Used a machine to manipulate time.Brain scans for language and smaller mouths because it was automatic like telepathic communication.


He has declared that he is stuck on Earth after the super blue blood moon interrupted a transmission on his ship that he used to travel faster than the speed of light. He explained.. "My name is James Oliver and I’m from a planetary system that is not this one, I’m sorry I’m being very vague I cannot be specific, it’s company procedure. I work for an organisation, I cannot disclose the name of this organisation, it’s against policy, but essentially what I am is I’m sort of like an archaeologist. What actually happened to my craft is on January 31 of this year when the super blue blood moon happened, it interrupted a transmission I was receiving from headquarters, it was a simple software update for my ship.
But what had happened was the geological event had disrupted the signal somehow and I got back channels flooding into my system from outside sources and it essentially fried the operating system of my ship, which means that I am stuck here until another research team lands on this planet. I could be here a few more days, I could be here a few more years, decades, centuries. I really don’t know. I haven’t gone much into the future from here. Where I am from is an interesting story because my planet and Earth, of course, are do not have the same orbit pattern around the respective suns. So you have 365 days in a year, mine is a bit different, it just has to do with the fact that my planet is further away from my sun than yours is. It is not a big deal but it does make it hard to try to figure out which year I am actually in. Thankfully there are some equations and calculations that can help me with that. I have completed these and the year that I’m from in relation to your version of measuring time, I’d be from the year 6491.” Mr Oliver went on to describe his role as a “field analyst” that involves him travelling through time to observe different periods.


He says apparently ‘they’ don’t want you to know about the Earth’s future trajectory – claimed in his time, they’ve even found the cure for cancer and are governed by Artificial Intelligence. The A.I. and humans are on the verge of merging to become one sentient, superior being. Also says he wasn’t alone when he was sent into the future – he get’s very emotional about the person, who he doesn’t name, but says he left him behind in the year 6000 – which he describes as a utopia.


He talks about a future president of the U.S. and gives amazing details about the future. Jaynou Oliver Beck September 12th 2018, 56th president Nov 3rd 2082, assassinated July 11th 2084 at 65. Also a philosopher that prove existence of god with a few simple words. Warns of not electing this person. Says "If we preserve his mind, we may preserve his philosophy. If we preserve his philosophy, we will preserve the future of humanity. " Says faith is why we progress. Leave us with a encrypted message: 16-8-4-4-8-4-4-4-8-8-4-8 [Decode : 1337 Skills]


He claims to have brought back technology from the future. In this interview, they talk about all aspects of the future other topics include space travel, healthcare, government, cities, transport, and much more. 400 Years old is the lifespan of and people almost could live forever. Machines that help with biology is common. Smart individuals with traits and characteristics get to do deep agent missions with time travel. Explains what it feels and looks like traveling time and some History of time machines. Says it uses lots of electricity and When transforming into a younger state you sit in a chair . All light goes on and then you can see your body get younger. He was planted into another person using this method. Only can do this transformation a limit amount of times or the mind breaks down. Claims evidence of the 2016-2019 video of a man going through a wall is real time travel.

Say it is a portal into time. This was only the first 10 minutes of the video.


He claims he has been to the year 3207, he was part of a top secret Greek Military experiment in which he was the test subject for a real life time machine. Upon time traveling to the future and back, he explains what technology awaits us in the year 3207, Only spent 2 days in the future in stead of 11 minutes and was illegal for the extended time. Streets with flying cars, kinda like electric cars, grass with purple color. Aliens and android people like beings hard to tell the difference. He was in the Military and doing operations. Doesn't know why they wanted him it seems. Layed on a metal chair and they Did experiments with wires on him. Generators in towns with blue lights that was used for flying cars and other things also having blue light colors. They had projections on walls advertising life simulators and gadgets. Life as "games" to choose from in advertisements sort of like sims where you can modify parts of your life. Companies only give you an imitation of a perfect life but never is. The Generators are like energy stations. No markets and everything was online. Hardly any professions because robots everywhere. Major A.I. Implication in the future.



Seen lots of secret technology in Armenia. A machine called "History corrector" . He was 1 of 10 used in an Time travel experiment to 1987. First Soviet group to experiment some even died, they split the people into 2 groups of 5 people. Stood in a machine with 2 big rings they stood in the middle, gave them devices silver like a watch. They was told to not lose the silver thing or they could not return. Humans, silver and cotton was the only things that was able to time travel. V.R. glasses was now sunglasses. People was no longer walking they just went from point A to Point B floating. People hardly noticed them and had seem to have no emotions. Everything levitated. Everything covered in solar panels. Advertisements for Mars travel, with islands and trees and more. Interplanetary travel, everyone is online for banking and transactions. A world with 4 countries USA, Russia, Asia and and unknown country "RA"?


1981 worked for CIA, Men In Black came to his house and told him to come with them.
Says smart phones was invented 30 years before also says hes the first test subject in Time Traveling.
Says there was high radiation and had to wear suits to time travel. Went inside a machine for 5 minutes and lots of flashes went unconscious. Finds out hes in 2118 and sees Hovering glass tables and screens. Saw that he had a chip implanted. Glass skyscrapers bigger than any before because of the time he was from. Wanted to leave so Asks robot on street how to time travel told him to go to the time travel agency. He used a glass tablet with maps updating in real time to get there. Robots like humans besides the ones without legs and floating. Got to the place asked how much to go back to 1981 and costed 457$, guy might of stolen his money and really costed 6000$. Asked what is Office empire? Guy said that is where he was. Went into another machine, and it stated to shake went unconscious and back to 1981. Also brings back this image attached below.


Name: A10A10A10
Binary info though time he explained how time travel worked.
Late 2017 breakout in vCJD Human mad cow Disease. Pre-2071 was normal and fine.
Corporate cover ups of contamination . 30% of beef contaminated by then.
2071 where problems accrued. USA top Economy China Behind and Russia Still with US.
Brazil and Argentina became economic powerhouse's. Dramatic increase in metal illness by the millions
vCJD epidemic 50% people contaminated death by dehydration.


Born in 2043, Micheal Phillips joined the Army contacted a group called Sector 18. Describes a gravity distortion discs that manipulate time 8 ft wide machine uses the energy inwards and rides a wave to get places quickly. Most of the UFO's we see he say's they are mostly time travelers he says. 2038 he traveled to first it was a polluted and tribal world. 2075 lots of earth changes and speaks about Titor another time traveler. Said we needed a event to save the world and it was 9/11. And the 2008 civil war didn't happen. Limited nuclear exchange in 2019 and N.K. attacks Hawaii and US responds with 2 nukes. WW3 was started in 2020 and lasted 3 years China and Russia against america and more countries. Fast and brutal nuclear war. 2022 California LA, a 10.2 earthquake destroyed the city. California 10 feet lower than before and much areas flooded. Trump 2 terms tried a 3rd. Opera ran for president didn't succeed, Micheal Macintosh Succeeded. Mid 2020s, Landed on mars by Space X , Elon Musk. 2032 there was a lunar base. in 2043 was reaching out to other solar systems. Used Jupiter moons for resources. 2432 the world was different air was clean and very beautiful. Buildings was huge glass towers and cars was flying. People wasn't shocked when discovered the time traveler. 1947 Us captured a Time Machine. Could not replicate the results. Time travel perfected by 1975 . Trillions of trillions of dollars in the world in 2075.


Holographic phones like face time but almost real. All electric cars on ground and not flying. Teleportation and time travel takes about 30 seconds breaks down molecules. The V.R. has more pixels and you can feel wind and elements. Cameras in contacts are very common. Issues with population growth and medical. Only special people like the elite can travel time in the future. Holograms for public schools different type of studies more realistic and real world use. More effective planes but same speeds. No coins but credit cards with cameras with no identity theft. Cancer is gone by then. Animal extra terrestrials exist on other planets. Another planet like earth that is currently already been found is a place to travel. Tiny handheld machine like a machine is what got him to time travel .


Crawled through a hole under leaky sink to a bright light. Video evidence brought back with himself as around 70 years old. Person with same tattoo. Paradox's and black holes explained more. 2030's Pakistan nuclear war then India economic ruin. Trump had a single Term. Early 2020 hard profits for media, environmental reforms. 2040's Temperature started to drop.



John Titor traveled to our present from 2036, a time reeling from a conflict that finally ended an American civil war. Titor claimed he was part of a military group trained to travel through time, and had come back (originally to 1975) to get an IBM 5100 computer because he needed to fix computers damaged by the wars that was needed computer parts to help old IBM server communications.
Titor's story has been pieced together from posts on Internet discussion boards that began in November 2000. Using the names "Timetravel_0" and later "John Titor," he provided extensive technical descriptions of his time machine, several predictions of our future, and commentary on our society.
By 2003 this other guy started having ideas to make a website to post all the stuff from this one source. Had to go back to 2000 stop Y2K after 1975. Now we live in a new timeline he claims because of all of this. Describes world as being better people came together after the wars. Gravity field time manipulation explained with black holes without being crushed by gravity. Doesn't return to same time line in 2036. Impossible to get back to original time. Claimed in 1998 there was a "Missing Building" in New York. Much more on interview...



Noah claims he has implants from the future and says its proof. Says the A.I. in the future is a big thing. They all wear all white clothes in the future and what he had on when he got here . Had a lie detector test prove many of his claims. No cure for cancer yet. Says new robots being released into public now that is frightening.
That is what I have on the subject today. Upcoming post my include more Time Traveling research. Be prepared for those once I write them up. Hope you all have a good day, thanks for checking out my article and let me know what you think below!


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