Work When You Work Best

in #time-management6 years ago (edited)

You are not always inspired to create inspiring stuff. 

At that time, you should either do the less creative tasks, or sleep. You would know best which hours of the day you have the best focus and you can easily move into your flow. These are your peak hours to preform, and you should identify them and act on them.

Once you get into this mode, you will find many more creative ideas coming through. You actually feel what you are doing because you went all in with your attention and focus. You forget the time and place, you only work on this one thing. You do not even attempt to multi-task, because this one thing is what matters. 

When you are not in this mode and you attempt the same tasks, you will find it less inspiring. You don't feel like doing it and that reflects in your work ethic; you are dividing attention and you are not completely focussed to make it happen. All you are doing is swimming against the river. Eventually, you might get bored of this task ahead of you and you put it aside. There is the change you always keep this 'boring' feeling about the task and do not ever pick it up again. 

The task felt a lot more interesting on other moments of the day, yet now it seems boring. 

People tend to plan things very strict and keep to that schedule. This does not work for everyone. While it gives you structure, a planning can also limit your freedom to doing certain things when you feel like doing them. When you feel you need to go training, or writing, or recording, or reading, you must be able to do it. Otherwise you will waste valuable energy. 

Why? Because you want to train, the schedule tells you to write. And if you want to write, the schedule needs you to train. You have to understand you never know how any day will go; many unexpected events can take place. All circumstances have influence on your energy level and emotions. And these are important factors to decide where to put your focus.

To get the optimal results from the day, you could try to plan more loosely. If you have that freedom. 

Consider a scenario like this at a certain moment in time; I feel like I could use a little boxing. Done, after you feel you need to relax a bit and when chilling, you think about an idea to write about. You jump to the laptop and sentences flow out. After, you feel like coffee and you get back to proof-read. You publish and you think aha, I might need to learn about this particular angle on this topic, and you open the web. One hour later you go out to get some groceries, because you feel like getting out of the house. Now you need to cook and eat. After that you take a break and you are a bit tired, but one hour later your energy is back; you feel like you need to record something. Import a beat and find the flow, write some lines. Two hours later you get texted, are you not done yet?! Well, it might be an good idea to see a friend now, but not too long...the day was creative and tiring. 

More structured minds would find way of working uncertain, while more creative minds could thrive under these circumstances. 

It is all about finding your own flexible schedule that makes fully use of your energy, focus, attention and most importantly, you will use your state of flow more often.

How do you prefer to work?

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