tim pool has the current best comment section

in #tim5 years ago

with so few people left for the algorithm to send people on youtube, tim has become a focal point for the old "awake" portion of youtube. they/we are all watching him slowing turn against the madness of the left. its like watching a movie. the comment section is not pro trump. its not like the alt right channels. its not left. there is plenty of "socialism bad mkay" there are alot of clown world memes, a large amount of captains. "kneyans are better at running since they are pure homo sapience, while white people are part neaderthal, they are superior runners" the type of reason and research you rarely see on the rigth anymore. this guy is not mindlessly screaming we number one. blacks are better superior runners.

i have said before that i think we are about to turn to the left. the "awake" are simply watching and waiting for the left to break free. there is a reason that cnn makes fun of berni all the time. he can not be connected to the old. just like trump destroyed the republicans last election, the democrats will be done in this one. tim is being pushed harder and harder. several videoes a day. all madness. the one i used for inspiration here was trans men beating all world records. not surprising, they are men. he has not lost faith in the system yet, still not seen the true madness, but he is soon there, and he will not go to the right. the people waking up now are to far to the left to go right wing politcs. they will simply understand that immigration and sjw shit is madness. not gonna go "lower taxes on the rich" like the rigth does. people like tim pool are far closer to my political stances. from before i got deep. i know how stupid pure capitalims is. cant just forget that. supporting the rigth was always as a revolutionary act, not because their side has good awnseres. from a global standpoint atleast.

tim still holds to some propaganda. he needs an event. something to take him over the edge and go from "how are they this stupid" to "this has to be on purpose, what else are they hiding" last event like this was trump being elected. this usually happens in waves. tim can say that all people are not the same, but he cant live it yet. everyone needs that one thing to take them over the edge. i said america was an oligarchy for many years before i got in to the deeper structure. tim still thinks its natural to be trans. even though he knows its madness. (trans people are not born this way. so it is truly not natural. those that are, im sorry bro, go get a new character)

this cycle is clown world. its not a fight against the horrible left that want to kill us. its clown world. trump raised taxes on the poor, and lower it to the point of there not even being taxes for companies like amazon. in clown world all political sides are bad. there seem to be some stragglers, thinking this is all still pro trump, but not many. tim represents the part of the population that can wake up at the moment, when the next event comes. what path he chooses here is very important. the core of madness for both sides is about equal. fanatic trump, and fanatic diversity, if he chooses a third option, like the republicans did last. then that third party (probabaly berni) will win

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