Medical Apparatus - Digital or Manual - Your Choice #Philippines

I am a nurse and most of my family on both sides are in the medical field; from caregivers to doctors. So if you belong to a family of medical professionals, for sure you will be having these apparatus. But sometimes people can not afford especially those from the poor ares of the #Philippines.
But I will show some of the most practical and sometimes necessary ones. The manual ones are good for those who know how to use them but digital are now the faze and easier to use.

weighing scales - picture of digital is mine standard from pixabay

These are weighing scales. The standard one and the digital one. The standard weighing scales are a bit more accurate but the disadvantage are the small numbers and the lines in-between. You have to look down and sometimes that could affect the reading. The digital is easier, you just step on it and then voila! the numbers will appear. Sometimes not so accurate but close. Then the other downfall are the batteries. Some have these button batterries that are hard to find and sometimes more expensive then the regular ones. Sometimes the digital ones are sensitive so you should not move too much. These are not really necesary but good for a family that are trying to either loose or gain weight. I prefer the digital because they have a higher range and the numbers are big and bold so they can be easily seen.

Thermometers - picture of digital is mine standard frompixabay

Ok these are thermometers, the standard regular ones and a digital. The standard ones are ok but one disadvantage are the small numbers. Also the trouble of shaking it till the mercury goes down. And sometimes we forget how long it has been under the armpit or tongue. With the digital, just stick it under and wait for the beeping sound indicating that it is ready to be read. The numbers are clear enough to read. I think this is one apparatus needed in most if not all families. Because we may feel feverish or our kids do not feel good and are hot to the touch. So having a thermometer will help determine whether or not the fever is high and needs medical attention or just a slight fever.

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sphygmomanometers - picture is mine

Now these are for checking the blood pressure of a person . Some call them Sphygmo or "pang kuha BP" - "that to take the BP" Can't really say if the digital is accurate. Nowadays most doctors use digital. Sometimes to let their secretary check the patient before coming in. This is good and practical for those who do not have someone with them who knows how to take their BP. This easy to use has simple instructions. No pumping but just push the button and automatically it will inflate and deflate then the numbers again pops up. Some even have the pulse or heart rate. The only problem is you can't control the pressure and sometimes it is painful but we have to bear it. The sandard one needs a stethoscope, and someone to wrap the cuf and pump it. They must also have knowledge on how to use the sphygmo and stethoscope. To know what to listen too. A much need apparatus in a family that has a member with high blood pressure or even an elderly. I have taught my helper how to use it so she can check my mom or even me.

Glucose meter - picture is mine

This is not a necessity for all household but a necessity for diabetics. Since I am diabetic I need one. This allows you to monitor your blood sugar. You just need to be strong to prick yourself. Most kits come with a gucose meter, strips, needle or lancets and a needle/lancet holder. Also a booklet to write down your results so you can monitor it. Comes with a pouch for easy carrying. There are so many #Filipinos who do not know they are diabetic which is sad because it is becoming one of the high-risk health problems that causes death. They are too poor to get a check-up. But smetimes there are hospitals or laboratories in the #Philippines that offer free FBS (fasting blood sugar) to check the sugar. People should take advantage when they do. I always keep mine handy and even taught my helper how to use it, in case of emergency. Even if I get admitted in the hospital, I ususally bring my own.


Now this is a good apparatus especially for those with asthma or small children and elderly that are coughing or have a hard time breathing. It is portable hence the name mini but works just as well and quieter. This is used with medicine where the patient breathes in the vapor so it will go directly to the lungs. I had to buy one because my mother was coughing for 3 days without much relief from meds and was prescribe to give inhalation. I borrowed from the health clinic first but then decided to buy for our own so we will have one when needed. It comes with the hose and mask and mouthpiece, infant and adult. It really does help. There are a lot of Filipino children that are also asthmatic, because of the dust and pollution. My helper also knows how to use it. Her daughter is also asthmatic so now she does not have to worry if they need a nebulizer.

The standard apparatus are just a little bit more accurate but the digital ones are easier to use and read. But as with all digital machines, apparatus and gadgets, always make sure the batteries are good. WHen it shows "Lo" change the batteries right away before checking your bp, temperature and blood sugar, even weight. Do mild exercise to keep active.
They say health is wealth so we must try to monitor our food intake, our medicines, Blood pressure and sugar. It is better to prevent sickness because serious problems because it may land you in the hospital and it is very expensive.


The sphygmomanometers is on my list to purchase. I believe its expensive but its worth buying it.

get the digital I think 2k-4k depending on the brand but worth it if you have high blood or familymembers

What we do have at home are the thermometer, sphygmomanometers and a weighing scale: :)

the digital one is more expensive but easier to use?

yes because you can do it yourself

I recognize lots of these and am sure many others do as well.Nurses have many items they use for their patients. Thank goodness there are people out there who care, even if they're paid to do it. Many nurses would do it for free if they had to.

We only have thermometer in the house :)

lol Admon you need the bp to check the bp of Billy heheh he drinks and is overworked and stessful

When it comes to accuracy, I think manual works better.

yes but not as practical esp if there is no one to do it for you and have the knowldge. But the difference is minimal

I am of the opinion that manual apparatus are more durable.

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