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RE: Testing Tile - the lost & found app for dummies like me

in #tile8 years ago

Lol I would lose that along with my cellphone.
My only hope is that I wear a military style dogtag necklace that effectively amounts to a charm bracelet around my neck.
Keys, USB drives you name it!

Already upvoted and followed. So I decided to promote this.


I couldn't reply to your comment about the anti-feminist photo. No that girl isn't me. She's just one girl who was part of a viral trend of anti-feminism. I was pointing it out to make the point that with every "blacklivesmatter" there's a backlash of "alllivesmatter" (as noted by the commenter) but relating it to feminism since that's what I had been writing about.

Ahh OK.
I think it may be getting time to find a better message for everyone. I saw your reply to @casandrarose I think in reality what she was trying to say is that she prefers to celebrate being a woman and a mother.
It's a powerful message to find what you love about yourself and celebrate that. Its 180 degrees away from the divisive message I see repeated over and over again.

I look at all of this as my legacy. The world I leave behind for my children. Is it better because of me? The only way I know to make it better is to expose the mind tricks and manipulations behind any movement and try to give people the tools they need to find their own voice, their own power and use it to affect positive change in the world around them.

I hope I'm having an effect. Its honestly hard to gauge what the effect actually is of a movement that says don't join a movement, be THE movement. Empower others.

Dividing is conquering, but uniting is how you win.

But feminism will never be united. I don't see third wave feminism as a movement to be honest. The first and second maybe, but the third one is just stagnated in conversation. Which is perhaps as it should be. You can't expect the whole world to change to suit everyone. The important thing is that we question things and talk about them.

I hope I didn't sound like I was putting down @casandrarose comment in how I responded. A one-liner probably comes across that way. I appreciated her comment and her point of view regards motherhood, I just don't agree that either sex has any inherent upper hand over the other. I believe all power is given and taken based on our cultural expectation. So I don't believe in celebrating our differences because I believe our differences are just restrictions that teach men not to be emotional and women not to be outspoken.

But we can certainly celebrate how far we've come and celebrate our differences AS PEOPLE (not just between men and women)

And thank you so much for promoting :)

I'm a loyal follower of yours too :p

You're no follower. You're a leader and you always have been. You speak your mind and you don't hold back. We don't always agree on everything. But I admire your courage to speak and I find your views in general to be refreshing.

WOW! Thank you :)

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