💉 Liga Contra a Vacina Obrigatória | League Against Mandatory Vaccination 💉steemCreated with Sketch.

in #til8 years ago

Have you ever been forced to get a vaccine? I have and it's no fun.


It has little to do with my capacity to agree on whether vaccines can help me and more to do with my questioning of the reasons why government would want to help me and whether they could.


I was born in what many call the third world and knowing how unorganized the government can be, how careless to actual health endangering situations, the prospect of a vaccine supervised by that entity doesn't inspire trust in me.

i dont own image

Perhaps you don't give much thought to it because you trust your government, maybe there are good reasons for you to do this and your representatives haven't given you a reason to doubt them. But I don't come from a place like that, corruption here is seen as part of life.


TIL this is not the first time people have expressed concern for vaccines and the fact that many are mandatory, in the past there has even been violence because of this practice.

i dont own image

I find it funny however, that the rumoured catalyst for Brazilians revolting against mandatory vaccinations back in 1904 was the thought of the enforcers having to see women undressed to apply the injection.

I don't own any of the images displayed and this is not an endorsement of violence or a justification to oppose vaccination

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self defense is not violence. forced injections is violence. i have had many "mandatory" vaccines, when i was a child and could not be said to be informed or to give consent, and have had reactions to vaccines (loss of consciousness, convulsions, subsequent onset of autoimmune disorders). i will not be subjected to it again. i will defend myself against anyone who thinks they can vaccinate me against my will. forced medical procedures have been against international law since the Nuremberg code. this requires informed consent. if there is no consent, or accurate information, there can legally be no mandate. the concepts of consent and mandated are antithetical. if there is a mandate, there is no free choice, and you are a slave.

Mandatory anything having to do with your body, particularly the way those in favor of it are so utterly sure that they're the voice of reason.. is kind of frightening.

"My body my choice" .. wait just not all the time, I didn't really mean it, lol

They actually think that forcing people to inject things into themselves is the glue that holds humanity together. Like how could that possibly be right? How would you actually even perfectly ensure every single person has a vaccine anyways? Like if non-vaccinated people are really some sort of threat to health, then we're doomed anyways, because some people will inevitably slip through the cracks. (But they're too busy being control freaks to realize that.)

I'm agnostic on whether vaccines are good or bad. I just know FORCING it is not possibly the answer. If they're good, then you lead by example and over time people realize it and the social cost of not being vaccinated would keep growing.

This is practically the only video i share regarding the vaccine debate. Very well presented and researched info, found through the Freedom of Information Act. This was made 10 years ago reflects with what is currently happening now, in regards to regulations, laws and mandates domestically and abroad...eerie. Gardasil is also discussed, before it was released to the public for use.

The biggest killer through out history is democide! death by government! trust is the last thing anyone should have in theres!

Thanks for commenting! I didn't know the term democide before :)

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