TIL: The Slock.IT guys are back at it with a "new Charity DAO". IS IT TOO SOON?

in #til8 years ago (edited)

Apparently according to a CoinDesk article the DAO guys are creating a new DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) - A Charity DAO.

Here is the link for the Coindesk Article:


Christoph Jentzsch published a blog post discussing the plans here. Ironically the post is low on details but does discuss the problems with the "trust" charities:

Trust in charities is at all time low.

Yes it is almost as low as the trust in the developers of the Slock.it DAO. Oh wait that was you.

Charities have a public image problem,

Er OK but so do you.

Earlier this year, The DAO demonstrated a huge interest in the experimental concept of decentralized governance (~10–15k users giving circa~ $150M). It failed due to a bug in the software, but nevertheless, it attracted mainstream media attention.

No it failed because there was a bug and you ignored all the warnings about it but let's not flog that dead horse. You all get the point. It might be funny if it wasn't such a massive disaster for the image of cryptocurrencies.

Ethereum has still not fully recovered.

(If you are unfamiliar with THE DAO - you can read more about it here.)

Isn't this a bit too soon?

Whilst I think everybody deserves a second chance there is such a think as trying to revive something too soon.

I will be steering well clear but what do you think?

Have your say in the comments as always.

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Moral hazard. This will continue until the crypto community handles the problem. I believe in second chances, however, the way this was handled does not steer me in that direction. Good luck on their new DAO.

I think we are in agreement:)

after months of not talking about slockit, I talked about it in this video i uploaded a couple hours before this blog post, and I had no idea they were back in play... that's wild

Synchronicity mate that's what it is:) I am going to bed and will check it in the morning.

Yeah, that knocked the snot out of ETH. Hurt a lot of us. These guys should be able to do something with some group, I think. They have the knowledge. But to do it together under the same banner? I'm not even going to look at this one.

Yes. It I don't imagine many people are rushing to this!

I will steer clear as well. After the DAO fiasco... I just don't trust these guys.

I thought it was a joke. I still think they are smart guys but there seems to be no irony in the way they talk about lack of trust in charities. These guys ignored members of the community like that Cornell Professor who warned them about the bug. Instead of listening to him they threatened him. They are the ones who need to earn trust - forget worrying about charities.

Same here, cannot trust these guys after the DAO!

Exactly. Also even if people were to give them another chance it is much too soon.

My trust was lost when they went against public opinion and bailed out investors, of which I was one too!

Me too. I knew it was a bad idea but if they had listened in the first place that would not have been necessary.


tbh: I sold my DAO tokens before the infamous hack, so there's no butthurt here. No, it's only common prudence that makes me advise:

(Image from here.)

I'm mainly butthurt over the lost potential more than anything and the whole hubris of it all. That and the time I wasted on DAOHUB when I could have been here instead.

maybe they will name the next DAO Icarus

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