Products not Originally Used as Directed.

in #til8 years ago (edited)

Products don't always work out the way the inventor originally intended. Sometimes they find that either things don't function as needed or have unexpected side effects. A little out of the box thinking has allowed certain products to still be around today, just not as it was first envisioned.

Viagra's Original Use

Pfizer created Viagra (Sildenafil) to treat high blood pressure and certain chest pains. During trial studies, they found some volunteers had erections some days after their dose.

With the unlikelihood of the drug being able to be used for it's original use, the company began looking into another way to bring it to market. In 1998 Viagra received FDA approval to be the first oral drug used to treat Erectile Disfunction.

Rogaine With Minoxidil

In the beginning, Upjohn pharmaceuticals, created this drug in pill form to treat high blood pressure. However during the trails they found that it was promoting (undesired) hair growth in patients. Minoxidil was then changed into a lotion form and sold as the hair growth product we know today.

Interestingly, the mechanisms that make this product slow hair loss and promote growth isn't fully understood. But when the word got out that Upjohn was starting trials on this they were inundated with volunteers.

Bubble Wrap

What most of us know today to be a packing material or a fun stress reliever was originally made for very a different. Bubble wrap was created by sealing two shower curtains together, which trapped pockets of air, creating an interesting texture.

In the 1950's it was first marketed as wallpaper but didn't have much success. Next the company tried to sell it as greenhouse insulation, which did somewhat successfully work, didn't grab hold. It wasn't until the 1960's that it was applied as we know it today to safely package items.


Amid the childhood memories of squishing and molding Play-Doh, this products original use doesn't sound nearly as fun. In the 1930's many homes were heated by coal, which caused soot to build up on wallpaper. They couldn't simply wash their walls since the paper at the time would get destroyed when it got wet. This soft clay was originally used to effectively clean this wallpaper while keeping it dry.

By the late 1940's there was a huge dip in sales due to the move towards oil based heating that burned much cleaner and new vinyl wallpaper (which could be cleaned with standard soap and water.) A sister-in-law of the owners, a school teacher, was looking for her students to make Christmas decorations and tried giving them some of this wallpaper cleaner for the activity. After seeing how much fun the children had with the soft and easy to mold clay, she recommended to the company to change the marketing of their no longer useful cleaner as the toy we know it as today.

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Image Sources:
Science and Invention Comic
Bubble Wrap


Is it me hallucinating? But after reading the viagra part, I saw a lot of condoms in the bubble wrap part :D

Hmm... someone's got a dirty mind! :D

Lol! I hadn't even though of that, but I can see that looking at it again.

Aha my dirty mind is contagious :)

It adds to the entertainment factor :P

I love intresting things like this. Keep posting!

Glad you enjoyed them! TY!
I'll see if I can track down some others.

Nice post as usual @sykochica! I did not know that bubble wrap was initially a wall paper LOL, that would look awful.

Thank you!
I hadn't heard of that one either. I totally agree that it would have been hideous to see on the would have been funnier if it had instead been used for those uncomfortable plastic couch/chair covers I remember when younger. At least we'd get "pop pop pop" when sitting, standing, etc...Lol.

Dynamite. Another one is dynamite.

Haha, great comment! I'm going to look that up, I didn't know that one.
Thank you!

You're welcome. Interesting, most people heard of the Nobel prize but not what he invented.
In this case, I think people remember him for a good thing he did. ;-)

very interesting!

Thank you! I literally laughed out loud when I found out about some of these!

Those are some surprising effects!

Hehe, I'm with you there. I had to laugh at the viagra one when I came across it since the way it's now used seemed rather opposite from what it was developed to perform.

Seems like products are never used as originally directed )

So true! It's almost like it's a game of create something and then find the application for it.
Slinky's were originally made to stabilize sensitive ship equipment while at sea versus being a toy.

Great post, love little facts like this!

Thank you! I needed a little lighter post today and these were just too fun to not share.

Excellent post!

Hah, that's so much fun to know! Thanks for sharing :-)

Hehe, they were too good to not share. Glad you enjoyed!

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