Til: That There Is A Standard 'Unit Of Measurement' Of Beauty As Proposed By Mathematicians And It Is....

in #til8 years ago (edited)

"Beauty, Beauty, Beauty!" 

Well, i live in a nation, where that word, is 'an all'; 

But, how do you really measure Beauty

Well here, the standard is 'a face' and lol, it has to be a white one too! 

So, how about the other virtues of a human, that should constitute beauty; how about the body, presence, persona, shapes etc? 

Well, today i learned something about beauty, so much so, that i can understand to an extent better, how the face has come to have this much value over the years. 

I mean; even from way back ancient past, when units of measurement were being established, the unit of measurement given to 'Beauty' was 'Helen', derived from 

'Helen of Troy'.

(Helen of Troy is widely known as "the face that launched a thousand ships". 

 Thus, 1 millihelen is the amount of beauty needed to launch a single ship.

BASICALLY, from way back, when it comes to describing beauty, a face has been given prominence!

There are other units of measurements that are just as hilarious:

The unit of measurement of Fame is Warhol. (derived from Andy Warhol's dictum "everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes")


    1 kilowarhol — famous for 15,000 minutes, or 10.42 days. A sort of metric "nine-day wonder".

    1 megawarhol — famous for 15 million minutes, or 28.5 years.

And who could have guess that 'Twitter followers', has a unit of measurement? Well, it is measured in Wheaton: 

(The Wheaton is a measurement of Twitter followers relative to celebrity Wil Wheaton.[52] The measurement was standardized when Wil Wheaton achieved half a million Twitter followers, with the effect that Wil Wheaton now has 6.14 Wheatons himself, as of October 2016.

As many Twitter users have fewer than one million followers, the milliwheaton (500 followers) is more commonly used)

Too, there is a unit of measurement for 'Coolness' and it is called: 'MegaFonzie'!

Here are some hilarious 'units of measurement' of 'Time':

'New York Second'

The New York Second is ("the shortest unit of time in the multiverse") and is defined as the period of time between the traffic lights turning green and the cab behind you honking.

So whenever you get to hear the idiomatic expression "in a New York minute"; this used in various contexts to mean an instant or a very short time. This unit of measurement may have been founded on the busyness of New York and impatience of its residents.

Another interesting or let's call it, 'hilarious unit of measurement' is 'Microfortnight'; which is (one millionth of a fortnight, or approximately 1.2 seconds!

There is also a 'Microcentury':

One microcentury is 52 minutes and 35.69 seconds – one millionth of a century.

(According to Gian-Carlo Rota,[35] the mathematician John von Neumann used the term microcentury to denote the maximum length of a lecture)

A Jiffy:

Sure we have heard this used in expressions but it did have roots in the ancient past and is actually, a known unit of measurement of time.

(A jiffy is a unit of time used in computer operating systems, being the interval of time between system timer interrupts. This interval varies from system to system, but is typically between 1 and 10 milliseconds.)

Well, there quite a number of them and quite intriguing to read; hilarious as well!

For a full list of humorous units of measurement, click here!

Your boy, Terry and the above is something of what i learned today!

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_humorous_units_of_measurement#Non-conventional

source: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/434875-the-shortest-unit-of-time-in-the-multiverse-is-the


Lol, this could be real handy!

yep, soon there will be those for steemit!

Interesting post.... I have to say Today I learned with you Terry.
Could be good idea to have a unique measurement unit to be use in the Steemit World.... I'll think about it ; )

good, please do! thank you alot for commenting. please, do think of a unit of measure for the steemit world. i tell you there are too many things to measure, like the interval between seeing a post and upvoting it etc lol. thank you for reading, commenting and saying my name. you indeed learned. one day i will come to know your name!

One day with God is as a thousand years with Man 2peter3:8. So if you ask God for something and he says wait a minute, you're in trouble. :-D

HAHA, but ofcourse, but ofcourse. thank you for commenting. the bible for the first time on steemit, how amazing! Jehovah pronounced that adam wud die on the same day, he ate of the fruit and he did, he live till 930years. #steemitisbeautiful

I laughed a lot here! :) Damned units!

thank you for letting go and laughing and making it known here that you got a reaction, it made me laugh for you shared you laugh, thank you! sometimes that is a reason to laugh. what is the unit of measurement of laughter? is it the number of teeth shown? is it 32er? like 32 teether!

That's not fair... I have 28 teeth (no wisdom teeth) :p

I thought wisdom teeth were the first of teeth, lol. Glad we got to share laughs! Encouraging!

There are actually the last ones, and either not there or removed in many cases. Human beings are chewing less :D

After everything, my post got flagged. Painful really!

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