TIL: Why Do We Age? The 7 Theories of The Aging Process

in #til8 years ago

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It's the question we all wish we knew the answer: Why do we age? At this time, there are seven theories on why the aging process happens. Truth is, we really don't have a good explanation on why we age. What we do know is that our bodies were made to grow older. There are seven major theories on why we age. All of these theories have some credibility to them. Here they are:

1- The Telomar Theory

Our genes are programmed to divide a certain number of times. Once they reach the maximum, our bodies will begin to fail. These genetic elements will control the number of cell divisions.

2- The Neuroendocrine System Decline

The second theory is the general degradation of the neuroendocrine system. The hormaonal and neurological systems that regulate the body will make us susceptible to many diseases because they will wear out.

3- Toxic Waste Build Up

Over time, our bodies will collect so many waste products and toxins that it will cause our system to shut down. This build up of toxins can affect our gene structure.

4- General Wear and Tear Theory

Our life choices causes our body parts and joints to finally wear out.

5- Free Radical Damage

Our lifestyle and living can build up free radical oxidants that will damage our DNA and organs and lead to aging.

6- Glucose Toxicity Theory

The Glucose Toxicity Theory also involves waste build up along with poor control and utilization of glucose within our physiological system.

7- Law of Entropy

This theory stems from the theory that in the universe, there is a movement from order to disorder with everything and in our bodies this happens by aging.

What Parts Of Our Bodies Age?

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There are particular areas of the body that aging happens. Such things as joints getting arthritic, healing takes longer, our parts slow down or wear out, loose skin, and our arteries get clogged.

Scientists have discovered that we are all born with certain genes but yet how we age is primarily up to our lifestyle. The environment in which you live in, our tendencies, interactions, and activities, all have a major impact on aging.

Actually, the genes we inherit will only account for about 30% of all aging effects and the importance of the genes we inherit will matter less as we age. If you are lucky enough to reach the age of 80, most likely almost all of your health and longevity will be determined by your behavioral choices.

When it comes to arterial aging, some people are predisposed to it early. They have inherited tendencies to high cholesterol, weight gain, and high blood pressure. Other people may be predisposed to these diseases because of their eating habits, high saturated fat diets, all will accelerate aging of the arteries.

Clogged arteries will limit the amount of nutrients and oxygen that get to your cells. This will cause our entire body to age quickly. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common killers of adult Americans.

The genetic make up of our cells play a big part in protecting our cells from cancer and other disease. This is our immune stystem. When the immune system breaks down we lose control of these cells resulting in disease.

How you react to the environment in a physchologically, socially, and biologically, manner plays a big part of staying young. Working and living in a hazardous environment effects your health negatively. Keeping incresed mental activity, always learning, and maintaining relationships that lead to love, laughter, and fun will always help you to feel alive and young.

We all know that another part of our bodies that shows aging is our skin. The aging process causes us to produce less collagen, making skin fragile and thinner. The skin also becomes less hydrated as we get older. Outside influences like tobacco and sunlight also have an impact on your skin aging.

Why Do We Age? | Men and Women

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It is known that men will reach their peak at or around their late twenties while women are in their mid thirties. This is the time our bodies are fully matured and strongest both mentally and physically. Somewher between the ages of 28 and 36 is when the turning point often happens. A transition from the growing phase to the aging process begins. Many people will often experience backaches for the first time during this time period.

Final Thoughts

Statistically, our cognitive ability to perform and physiological function will decline as we age. After the age of 35, our biological function decreases 3% to 6% per decade. The news isn't all bad though. Certain functions such as IQ and mental acuity will show almost no decline and can actually improve from 35 to 75 years old.

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Exercise and a healthy diet can also play a major role in slowing down the effects of the aging process. The more active you are the more likely you will be able to sustain many daily functions and suffer less pain then someone who is not active at all.

The bottom line, getting old sucks so why not do whatever possible to help delay the process!

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Nice article. When one thinks of the alternative to aging.......aging looks pretty awesome!

With age comes wisdom, something I know I didn't have in my younger days lol!

Good article upvote!
But in fact there are only two major theories of aging: evolutionary and genetic, the rests are the sub-theory.

I wrote about this in one of articles: Who Wnats to Live Forever

Thanks for the comment, I am following you now .

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