TIL: I Should Celebrate 190 Followers!

in #til8 years ago


@nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist Himself reporting


Today I'm sitting on my ass, inside the house, because it finally snowed and I don't feel like facing reality just yet. I had a peek at my blog because I'm addicted to this stuff much like everyone else here. I noticed something fantastic.

Followers = 190!

Now, I know what you're thinking

But, but, but @nonameslefttouse, you're doing it all wrong! You're supposed to do this at 200, not 190! How stupid can you be? This is an outrage! How dare you!

Okay, calm down. Anyone who's been around this little world of mine the past couple of months has most likely come to terms with the fact I simply don't give a crap about these strange rules and standards. I can eat cereal for dinner and not view myself as a lesser human or feel the need to see a shrink for reprogramming. I'm not going to follow the herd and I don't want to lead my own.

For many of you, this attitude and approach might be a breath of fresh air. To others, I'm probably a pain in the ass and they wish they could find a way to control me. I'm glad I can't seem to find a way to care about those sort of people and I hope saying that pisses them off even more.

I honestly used to consider myself to be a free thinker. Then I noticed there's an entire group of those and for some odd reason they all think the same way! I don't have any beliefs I feel the need to push on people and their self promotions have little to no effect on me. I also hate talking about myself in general, so I will stop.

All I really can say is thank you.

Thanks for having my back and enjoying these shows I put on. Thanks for allowing me to be completely random. This helps a lot. The creative process becomes crushed once one must live up to a certain image, at least, that's my opinion. For me, blogging would become a chore if I was forced to choose one topic and one performance mode.

Sure, much of what I do is based on humor. When I do decide to be serious or just feel like sharing a few images I've created, I notice you folks still stick around. Thanks again, this time, for having my back. If there's one thing to expect from me, it's not knowing what to expect.

Those long stories I drag out that always lead to a strange twist and a simple punchline, I love writing those. I enjoy creating all of my own images for the blog and taking the time to produce something truly unique for you folks to enjoy. I did that little Dream Weaver presentation recently. That alone took me majority of the weekend to put together and I did it all for 99 cents! Yeah, I was hoping for more, oh well. I'll probably do something like that again. I really don't care if the next person gets twenty times more for sharing a meme they didn't create.

I'll continue doing things my way. Sometimes it pays off in the form of rewards, but most of the time it pays off in the form of somehow captivating you, the audience. I'm becoming addicted to impressing you folks so thank you for the fire you've all helped light within me and also adding the fuel.

I Realize

This message will get looked over by many, I'm fine with that. I hope celebrating the big 1-9-0 made a few people roll their eyes. I hope those eyes roll right out their heads and fall on their robotic laps. I have a strong feeling quite a few out there never thought I'd come this far. Thanks again for helping me prove them wrong.

I'm confident when I say, if you're following my work here, there's a very strong chance you are nowhere near being some sort of sheeple type. This is good.

Speaking of good, I hope you all have a good damn day, or whatever is left of it. I'll stop being real now and get back to being completely nuts.

Oh, and between us, I hope the hater types do think I'm crazy. That means I'm doing a good job and they should probably vote.

Side note

Dream Weaver <--- If you missed that, check it out. It's a few days old now so obviously I'm not looking for rewards. I'd just like to see more people enjoy what I did there. It's a good example of some of the great things we're able to achieve here on Steemit when we take the unique content creation aspect of this platform seriously. I'll definitely do something like that again, but the next time will be even better.

Today's cover is titled Tingcow and was produced by me a few hours ago.

Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


Do it, everybody, just go and do it. Vote for Dreamweaver, so it gets more than 99c on the second payout.
I'm all in favour of celebrating 190 followers - it seems to be taking me forever to get to 200, but only 3 to go to get to 190.
I haven't the foggiest idea what Tingcow means, so I'm going to call it "Papa Pepper and No Names Left To Use sitting by the fire in a Green House". Not very poetic, I know, but that's what I see. And I don't claim to be poetic.
Have you had any sleep yet?

You should celebrate 187 followers! I might celebrate 191. This idea is golden for those who've ran into a bit of writers block.

Tingcow. I was thinking of a name, my lighter fell off a stack of books and hit a glass, then I heard a cow moo outside.

and yes, I got plenty of sleep! I wasn't tired, that was a performance and I just get carried away sometimes. When I'm not busy entertaining you folks, I'm sitting here entertaining myself. This is a two-way street!

What a blessing, to be able to entertain yourself! Some people can't entertain themselves for 5 minutes.
No writers block here. I could blather on for hours. Which is kind of odd given that I'm an introvert and face to face sometimes can't think of a thing to say. I guess we have to call that speakers block.

I like to keep things simple. I don't over analyze and I stopped worrying about what others think of me long ago. I'll get writers block if I'm attempting to explain how I think, like right now. On the other hand, if I'm put in a position where people are listening combined with quality conversation skills, I'll start saying words I didn't even know I knew... and somehow make a lot of sense. I'll get speakers block around easily distracted people and those who like to interupt.

It sounds like you slept well! Glad to see that you are now OUTSANE! I will just make sure to keep away any form of liquid from my pc when I read your posts.....

Try to keep your water frozen around me.
You had me thinking earlier. I wonder if I've ever made anyone do the thing where the liquid comes out of the nose?
That is my next mission in life, I think.

This is me now.... as long as you don't throw in an icebreaker I should be fine...

This made me laugh carefully... LOL
Well played!

My outrage was over-ruled by your joy!

Tis a joyous season and I thank you for lighting up my comment section with those fancy stars of yours. Though I am a cup half full kinda guy... I do hope it's not a five out of ten!

Actually the total was 3...

5 out of 3 my friend!

Well, I better get the blender out and grind these up into a smoothie... or maybe get a bigger cup. I'll figure this one out, don't worry, I won't waste any.

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