The Loudest BOOM in the History of Mankind

in #til8 years ago (edited)

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133 years ago on the Earth was an explosion, the likes of which people have not heard before, and which has not been surpassed, even when testing the hydrogen bomb. In 1883, August 27, between the Islands of Sumatra and Jawa (the archipelago of Indonesia) Krakatoa volcano thundered to the whole world. The rumbling of the volcano was the loudest sound in the history of modern mankind.

  • 64 kilometers from the volcano, the sound of the explosion ripped through the eardrums of sailors.
  • In Jakarta, about 160 km from the epicenter of the eruption, the shock wave blew down the doors and smashed all the windows in buildings
  • Manila (2000 km from the epicenter), the locals thought that war had come. There was the incessant drone, like the firing of artillery near the town.
  • Residents of Australia and New Guinea, a distance of 3200 km, described roar like the firing of heavy guns.
  • On the island of Mauritius, 4,500 km, was heard the sound coming from the East like a distant roar of cannons. In total the sound of the eruption was heard by people in 50 different geographical locations.

area of audibility of the explosion (paint)

For a better understanding of the volume of the explosion: if this volcano exploded in Los Angeles, you would hear the explosion in Washington.

The eruption was so powerful, that it literally tore the island, on which was volcano. A column of smoke rose to the height of 27 km, it pulled out from the crater at a speed of 800 m/sec (it is faster than the maximum speed of a fighter jet F22-Raptor).

Volcano Eruption in Papua New Guinea you can see the pressure wave from the explosion

More than 20 cubic kilometers of debris and ash shot up into the atmosphere (this is in 142 times more than in the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010).

The shock wave formed a tsunami height of 30-35 meters (the height of the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 was 15 meters), which washed away about 165 coastal villages and killed 40,000 people (today in these areas live dozens of millions of people). The increase of the tidal waves was visually noticeable on the shores of India.

Part of the volcano were scattered at a distance of 500 km (due to a powerful explosion carried them to a height of 55 kilometers in the stratosphere), it was like a meteor shower.

The power of the explosion of 10,000 times the power of the explosion during the bombing of Hiroshima.

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Volcanic ash in the atmosphere had influenced on the climate, the temperature dropped by 1.2 degrees for the whole next year around the world. Ash also changed the color of sunsets for the next three years, they have become bright red.

area of the darkness (paint)

The first 56 hours within a radius of 360 kilometers the ash covered the sky completely, the darkness came. Thickness of volcanic pumice on the sea surface was up to 3 meters, shipping stopped. Later, on the other side of the Pacific, sun has acquired a green color.

The power of sound

The approximate magnitude of sound in the radius of 200 km from the explosion reached 176 decibel. The pain threshold for humans is 140 db. The gigantic sound horn in ESA can produce a sound output of 154 dB (it's like you put your ear to a running jet engine), this is enough to permanently deprive a person of a hearing. This horn is used for testing missiles, to avoid the destruction caused by sound at startup. Value 200 db destroys the internal organs.

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According to the testimony of barometers from around the world, the momentum from the explosion circled the Earth 3-4 times (18 hours after the explosion, the momentum came to new York, Washington and Toronto. It was repeated a few days). This phenomenon was called "The Great Air Wave".

After the explosion, at the place of Krakatoa remained the volcano Anak-Krakatoa "the child of Krakatoa" and it is active.

sources: The incredible eruption, 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, Eyjafjallaj, The disaster of the world,European Space Agency, WiKi Hearing, WiKi Sound and others in the text


and yet...there were bigger still.

Wonderful graphic, but not quite accurate on the issue of power and volume of the explosion.

Homo sapiens appeared 40,000 years ago, therefore, we leave the two competitors which humanity could hear.

  1. Crater Lake (the volcano Mazama)
  2. Krakatoa

VEI is an assessment of the all eruption not by the primary explosion. The main criteria is the number of ejected rocks (ash, magma) and the height of the column of ash. I read about Mazama, he loses to Krakatoa in the primary explosion.

The speed of departure of the breed from the crater in the main explosion:
Mazama- about 600 m/sec
Krakatoa- about 800 m/sec

The height of the column of ash:
Mazama- about 16 km
Krakatoa- about 27 km

The main explosion of Krakatoa was more powerful than Mazama, and we can assume that it was louder.

Mazama had a greater impact on the environment only because of the larger number of ejected rocks, therefore his VEI index is higher.

The volume of the sound depends on the pressure at the moment of explosion, it is obvious that the pressure of Krakatoa was higher, based on indications of the speed of departure of the breed.

All people today are classified as Homo sapiens. Our species of humans first began to evolve nearly 200,000 years ago in association with technologies not unlike those of the early Neandertals. It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neandertals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neandertals descended from Homo heidelbergensis.

I cite the example of people at the stage of development at which they could grasp and understand happening disaster. 40,000 years ago people (homo sapiens) had already spread almost throughout the world, so we can consider that our species formed, i.e., the presence of mankind.

Wow. Those would have busted some eardrums! Great graphic.

wow excellent post....... upvoted :)

thank you @royalmarco! I really tired to check the data of this explosion with other phenomena :)

Great post!
I couldn't help but notice the 1st and 4th photos. Those photos are of the eruption of Volcan Calbuco in southern Chile. I was lucky enough to witness this eruption first hand from the a hilltop in Puerto Varas (as the crow flies, some 31km away). It was the most terrifying, yet most incredible thing that I have ever witnessed. I will never forget it.
I mean, witnessing a volcano erupt is a once in a lifetime thing, right? Wrong. It erupted 2 more times (not as spectacular as the first, but still..) over the next 10ish days.

Here is the actual video that I took of the first eruption. Crazy, right?

It's incredible to see such a great and terrifying process with your own eyes! You will have something to tell the grandchildren. Thank you for sharing. I envy you :)

It really is - I can't wait to tell them about it.
You bet! I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner! Haha

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Very interesting post! It was fun to learn about this volcanic eruption and the examples that you gave made it easy to picture just how loud the explosion was! Quite the expose on the power of sound waves!

As a bonus, and in addition to resteeming for exposure. We are awarding you a small 5 Steem Power deposit as a thank you for creating quality STEM related postings on Steemit. We hope you will continue to educate us all!

Wow, thanks! it's honor for me! I will try to do my best :)

Great post! Simon Winchester's book "Krakatoa" is a terrific read if you ever get the chance.

Thanks for the advice. I think I'm gonna read it soon! :)

That's an amazing post! I didn't know about that and I enjoyed the reading!

thx, my friend. I also didn't know about it, so I was very interested to write this post, I am very glad that you liked it.

upvoted and resteemed..

thank you! :)

I hope we don't experience something like that any time soon.

Totally agree! The new Krakatoa is much weaker than his father.

Years and years ago I read a book about Krakatoa that claimed the explosion "vaporized" something like 3 cubic miles of rock. That's a huge release of energy. Like an earth orgasm or something. :-)

well, in some sense we can called it like that :)

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