
in #til8 years ago

The cheaper, generic EpiPen

Once upon a time, some arsehole buys up the rights to a life-saving AIDS medication and skyrockets its price through the roof. People do not like this, but he's hailed as a business genius.

Then, somone else came along with a generic version and sold it at bare cents above the cost it took to make it. There's your real business genius.

Recently, some other arsehole bought up the rights to life-saving EpiPens and upped their price to hundreds of dollars per pen. Leading to the people who need them keeping them beyond their expiry date, some people sharing instructions on how to make your own... and sundry outrage and chaos.

Well, now there's a generic version coming out for all those poor folks with killer allergies.

Sooner or later, someone has to realise that there's a pattern here...

Not that I need my asthma meds much, any more, but if someone jacked up the price of my being able to breathe, I would march right over to their place and kick their arse. Hard. Until I pass out because... you know... I won't be able to breathe without my meds.

There's a saying that goes something like: "People will spend what they're willing to pay." Which is all very nice until you put a price on continuing to live. Then your options are either pay up or risk death.

That's when things turn around and bite various arses.

Dear Big Pharma: here are two short lessons in why you shouldn't dick people around. Please learn from them and do not repeat them again.

[Picture from the article here: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/192447/20170112/cvs-to-sell-generic-version-of-epipen-competitor-at-80-percent-cheaper-price.htm]

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