TIL: So What Did Happen To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

in #til7 years ago (edited)

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

Still one of the greatest aviation mysterious of our generation

Did it just crash and sink without trace.

Did the Pilot Hijack it.

Did it disappear into a mysterious Time Hole Vortex.

It's three years on and nobody is any the wiser.

"Conspiracy theories fill a vacuum when facts are Scarce,"

This, is the only solid fact, that is always true.


Some of the wilder theories:

on-board was a group of experts working for Freescale a company that had the technology to make Airplanes disappear.

(Is that spooky or what.)

Another rumor said the USA shot it down.

Then again the US is always accused of shooting down planes.

It flew on and crashed somewhere near India?

Either way it disappeared without trace. No Black Box recovered.

In the Sci-Fi TV show, The Event, it actually has an episode where a Jet passenger plane,

disappears into Vortex over Florida and lands in a desert in the US Midwest.

The Government covers this up. (Of course)

It's a Great Sci-Fi show. (Good Aliens & Bad Aliens and the usual Men in Black G-Men)

Pulled after one season. As all the good Sci-Fi shows are.

Who knows why.

Yes, it did go through my mind when I heard about the Malaysian plane disappearing.

Truth stranger than fiction and all that Jazz.

But now they say they have the answer to stopping the missing Black Box Scenario.

Read On:

It's been more than three years since Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 vanished, and after spending $150 million and scouring a huge chunk of the Indian Ocean, the international search effort has turned up just a few scraps of metal. It now seems likely investigators will never find the bulk of the wreckage nor the Boeing 777's black boxes, and as a result will never really know why it went down, or how to prevent it happening again.
Airbus says it has a solution: deployable flight data recorders.

On large planes that frequently fly over water or remote areas, the European aircraft manufacturer will install a second, redundant black box near the rear of the fuselage, with a mechanical ejection system.If the plane crashes into the ocean, the recorder will pop out to safety, floating and pinging away with an emergency locator transmitter, to help rescue teams find it and its valuable testimony about what went wrong. The ejection function is just one feature of Airbus' new black boxes (which are actually fluorescent orange), which are smaller and more capable than the current generation, able to record 25 hours of cockpit voice and data, up from the current two hours.The recorder will only eject in the event of “major structural deformation” or submersion in six feet of water, which should reassure airlines that it won’t accidentally deploy in heavy turbulence or on hard landings.

And the spring loaded mechanical system will be more palatable than earlier proposals for an explosive ejection system.

“The more digitized the airplane becomes, the more valuable that information is,” says air safety specialist, Christine Negroni, author of The Crash Detectives, Investigating the World’s Most Mysterious Air Disasters. She followed the search for MH370 in Malaysia, and says finding a data recorder would have made all the difference. “We would have had much faster and more specific knowledge, and a faster recovery to start picking stuff up. Now we may never know what happened.”

Read the Whole Article:


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Image Courtesy of Pixabay


Very interesting this case. I did not know at all, it makes me want to know more. I will follow you because I like people like you who are awake.

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