Til: Of Asteroid Strikes and Upright Talking RatssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #til7 years ago

So we are all saving up for that rainy day.

I've got my stash of Bitcoins & Ethereum and Dash and of course Steem.

So looking good. If the $$ tanks I'm still ahead of the curve.

But then there is Trump and his itch to start a war with North Korea or just about anybody.

He gets great ratings from blowing up shit.

Just look at the Syrian Airfield attack.


The Prepper industry in the USA is worth $$$Billions.
(Prepare for Disaster)

Among Preppers,” FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, stands for “Foolishly Expecting Meaningful Aid.”

So who are you gonna call - Ghost Busters?

So I need a motorcycle and a getaway place.

A mountain top preferably.

Every disaster movie ever made wipes out, New York New York.

So stay away from, New York.

In fact the movies where so convincing, some people based their Apartment purchases,
on scenes from the disaster movie,

"The Day After Tomorrow."

" Well that area didn't flood, or get ravenous Siberian Wolves running around it. I'll take it."

But, One Deep Impact Asteroid strike and we're all fucked.

And no amount of silky words from El Presidente, Morgan Freeman is going to save us.

So what would you do, with just 24hrs to adjust to dying, while you wait on that Tsunami of fire to hit.

You may head for the hills.


But the coming Black Rain Winter will kill off all plants and it will all end badly in the end.

I read, "The Last Ship," a 1988 post-apocalyptic fiction novel written by William Brinkley.

Excellent book, beautifully written and not at all like the TV show.

The Book's main pivot is when the women realize it is up to them,
to continue the Human race.

And to do this every-man had to have his chance of continuing his line.

So the society naturally develops into a Tribal female herd and male herd.

With the women very much in control.

As they control the production of the children, and the future.

This must have been how it was in the dim past.
Before the various, Fanatical Men Driven Religions grew envious of the power of women.

And put them all back in their little box.

Were they remain to this day.

But someday they may climb out of the box and make a comeback.

But back again to that date with the big flaming rock in the Sky.

We'll go the way of the dinosaur's.

And far in the future some Upright talking Rat like creature, will be amazed at the progress we made.

"What happened to them. They had it all. They could've been contenders."

As they get back into their Hyper-drive Space Ship and head for the Stars.

We need to get of this Rock as quickly and as efficiently as we can.

Lets go live in Space Cities or on the Moon or on the Moons of Saturn.

We can mine the great asteroid belts.

And possibly, quite literally, catch that flying star and put in our pocket.
And save it for a rainy day. (To quote a great song)

I look to, Bigelow and Elon Musk, to get us into orbit.

And then we will have a fighting chance to get to the stars.

It's been called, "The Last Frontier."

And it will be a last chance saloon, for us to survive.

The Earth will prosper without us.

It actually does not need us.

It can be one big green tourist resort if need be.

But all exploitation of its depleted resources will stop.

Not for any altruistic notions.

They will stop because it will be cheaper to Mine in Space.

But first we need to get moving.

Otherwise we will end up re-reading, "The Last Ship," by the light of the incoming fiery rock.


Read On:

A leading astrophysicist has warned the next asteroid strike is just a matter of time as thousands of potentially threatening objects circle Earth.

Dr Alan Fitzsimmons has said it is a case of when an asteroid collision will happen, rather than if it will happen, with more asteroids being discovered every day.

An unexpected strike in today's world could easily destroy a major city and a larger one could potentially wipe out humanity, the expert warned.

'It is important to know that scientists and engineers have made great strides in detecting Near-Earth Asteroids and understanding the threat posed by them', said Dr Fitzsimmons from Queen’s University Belfast Astrophysics Research Centre.

'Over 1,800 potentially hazardous objects have been discovered so far, but there are many more waiting to be found.

'Astronomers find Near-Earth Asteroids every day and most are harmless.'

'But it is still possible the next Tunguska would take us by surprise, and although we are much better at finding larger asteroids, that does us no good if we are not prepared to do something about them', he said.

Read the Whole Article:

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