Pizzagate and Child Slaves On Mars

in #til7 years ago (edited)

So along with Pizzagate we have the latest offering from the Alex Jones show that NASA are keeping.

Child Slaves on Mars.


Now I am all for Good Conspiracy theories, with a bit of backbone.

Or even some basis in reality.

Having "The Donald" one finger button press away from the end of the world as we know it.

Keeps us all, very focused.

And makes a lot of these stories even more incredible.

But no, I don't believe this one.

Or anything coming from the screaming, over hyped mouth of Alex Jones.

By my reckoning if "The Donald" believes this Shill.

He definitely is one to be avoided.

Read On:

Nasa is forced to deny outrageous conspiracy theory that it is running a child slave colony on Mars after wild claims are made by ex-CIA officer

  • Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele made the comments on The Alex Jones Show
  • He claimed that children have been secretly shipped to Mars to work as slaves
  • In response, a Nasa spokesman said that 'there are no humans on Mars'
  • Earlier this week, Nasa was forced to deny that it was soon to announce the discovery of alien life

Nasa has been forced to deny a bizarre conspiracy theory that it is running a child slave colony on Mars.

The theory was cooked up by an ex-CIA case officer who made the wild allegations on a US national radio show yesterday.

In response, a Nasa spokesman said that 'there are no humans on Mars', and dispelled another rumour that the agency faked sending rovers to the red planet.

Guy Webster, a spokesman for Nasa on Mars exploration, told the Daily Beast: 'There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there weren't. There are.

'But there are no humans.'

The child colony rumour surfaced on the national radio programme The Alex Jones Show, hosted by an eccentric conspiracy theorist of the same name.

Mr Jones has previously claimed that the notorious Sandy Hook shooting never happened and that the Boston bombings were a government hoax.

The bizarre Mars colony comments were made by Robert David Steele, a former CIA case officer who was a guest on this week's programme.

Mr Steele, who runs his own conspiracy theory blog, claimed that children have been secretly shipped to Mars over the last two decades to work as slaves.

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Just about everything Alex Jones says is just plain crazy and hilarious.

Makes you wonder though .. HolySmoke!

I just hope some nut-job doesn't walk in to Mars and start shooting the place up trying to free the children.

It's time for a class action suit against the lot of these delusionals for wasting humanity's resources on their bullshit.

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