Tech Insider - Why Jets Leave White Trails in the Sky

in #til7 years ago

Video released just a few hours ago, description says it easiest and best "The atmosphere is thin and cold the higher up a plane goes. The exhaust from a plane's engine is much hotter than the atmosphere. The water vapor from the hot plane engine turns to ice mid-air which we see as white lines in the sky called contrails."  This is just about the one year anniversary of this 'news'.


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That's interesting, but the other chemicals that are being sprayed can be measured with a spectroscope using emission spectra from sunlight, a known spectrum, absorbed and remitted by the atmospheric elements. If it were only water vapor and ice crystals the product would only show up, by way of continuous spectra directly from the sun, as our familiar rainbow. It does not. You can easily verify this yourself with a spectroscope, readily available online, or, I've even seen a way to use the camera on an iphone and diffraction grating to make a spectroscope.

Trust, but verify.

Plus, it has now been admitted by the director of the CIA, John Brennan, among others. There are videos of it and everything. Search: 'stratospheric aerosol injection'

They look more like Chemtrails to me!

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