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RE: Are the Marines Really Needed?

in #til8 years ago

OMG WTH you are talking about putting Officers Out of Work ?????

Truly you are crazy, the TRUE ENEMY is not Alqeda or Isil or whatever else they might be called; the natural enemy of the Marine Corp is the ARMY ! ! !

These two waste of oxygen spenders who steal tax dollars for nothing are bitter enemies and you are talking about combining and integrating these two outfits ? ? ?

I urge you to not speak such heresy or else you will have a Marine Sniper or Army Ranger coming to find you . . .

These two departments compete for tax dollars in budgetary allocations it is their primary reason for existence and you are suggesting putting them together...

Maybe a 'retraction' and apology might be in your personal safety's best interests ? ? ?

This post is made in a vain attempt at light hearted humor, not . . .

(just kidding) ! ! !


haha. i could feel the humor.

This trash would make a kool movie, but a movie costs like $15 whereas this situation costs every tax payer hundreds of dollars every year . . .

You got me there. That is funny.

Its how I hook up and pullin the Chicks, my charming witty kool personality : )

If you believe that; then I have this 2004 honda you can buy for 49 thousand dollars ; )

North Korean Dollars?

no, and not even Japanese Yen :)
C u on the BlockChain ; )

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