TIL: Do Not Give an Ant a Gold Bar.

in #til8 years ago

You will only crush him.

I saw a lot of posts today about up coming price swings and how best to play the market. I myself can fall victim to FUD and FOMO sometimes and thought today would be a good day for this zen lesson.

What you want may not be what you need.

How simple right? If only we could just need what we want and not get caught up in delusions and falsehoods, like the ant that desires a gold bar. Though I would love for steemit to make me rich that may not be what I need at this time or even in the future.

The funny thing is there is no way to really know, the future is unpredictable and what might be good today may be awful tomorrow. There is a great story of a Chinese Farmer that explains it beautifully. I often like to point out to friends how the meaning of our very english words are completely dependent on the ones following after.

For example:

I love when


you keep your mouth shut.

See how nice that started and went south? lol

Just like life! But hey it may turn around again at any time....Maybe

Sorry for the short post, will elaborate on this at a later date.


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