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RE: TIL - Why Songs Get Stuck In Our Head

in #til8 years ago (edited)

Be very careful about what you let into your mind.
I used to think that I should just be conscious of what I listened to.

If I knew now, back then, I would have stopped listening to TV and radio a long long time ago. They call it programming for a reason.

A way of getting rid of that song is to find the same song by Weird Al Yankovich. I don't Care by Icona Pop got stuck in my head, because it has a very good beat and catchy phrase, but I HATED the lyrics. Wanton destruction of property, no care for life... And then I found I Ship It by Not Literally


I wrote this in general perspective, but I dropped radio and most of TV out of my life many years ago. That's why most of earworms that get stuck in my head are the songs I actually like. And, as a metalhead, it's hard to find anything interesting in the mass media.

I feel it is prerequisites for writing such a post as you have, to have dropped radio and TV. You just do not know how bad they have gotten until you go away for a little while then come back.

And metal just isn't metal without that hard edge.

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