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RE: TIL - Why Haven't We Created Artificial Gravity

in #til8 years ago

The effects of body disintegration are not due to low gravity conditions.

And the reason why we haven't developed artificial gravity is that we know next to nothing about gravity. The supposed gravitational constant was discovered by one guy, using dubious methods in a barn. The experiment has not been repeated. (as far as I know) We only assume it is because of mass.

If the flat earthers are even partially correct, we do not live on ball of solid matter. If not, then we have no clue about relationship of mass and gravity. When we do find out what shape the earth really is, then we may begin in earnest to think about gravity.

Einstein said that light was the fastest speed in the universe. Tesla argued that it was gravity. Since there are several things being show to be faster than the speed of light, and since I believe in Tesla, I believe that gravity is the upper speed of the universe. (as far as linear motion)

There are aether theories that what holds us to the ground is a continuous flow of aether downward. Since contemporary science holds aether theory as a joke, we will probably never find out, if this is actually the case.


With technology still being so young, we could argue if everything we "know" right now is true. Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Cavendish, they could all be wrong...

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