TIL My wifi router has four Names

in #til7 years ago

I'm not a network kind of guy, I used to be, but that was back when wires were the only thing going.

So I try to keep up... but I guess I am a little behind.

I knew the newer routers has both 2.4G and 5G radios in them, but I didn't know you could give them separate names. In my case Jennifer and Deborah.


What else I didn't know is something even newer? Or maybe only now necessary and provided in setup pages?

You can have a guest Name for each radio ( Jenny and Debbie ) so that you can hand out temporary access without having to reset all your passwords later. Since I am looking at six screens right now, and have several more around the house, that's not a small benefit.
All it does is set aside a portion of the bandwidth for the guest account. If no one is using it then there's no drain on your speed (so I am told). It's that little button called -

SSID Guest

When you check it, you can write in a new SSID name (at the bottom in my setup) and assign it in the Select SSID box. And you can do this with either your 5 ot 2.4 radio.

A total of four accounts.

Where I can use this is when one of my students come over or when my son comes to visit with friends. Other uses might be for neighbors when their ISP goes down for some reason, or for repair crews or other services need to contact their support.

I had been using my HooToo travel hotspot for such things, but this is much easier. Hope it's of help to you and please let me know if there's anything else I should know about it, since I really am out of the loop on hardware these days.


I didn't know they could do that! But I know sfa about hardware these days, I know just enough to know what I need to run the things I do and even then I'm basically handing someone else the specs and getting them to build for me XD

I used to actually build computers when they first came out with towers. Now I have to call my son to make sure I don't break something.

LoL! I used t build them too XD Even enjoyed it. For whatever reason I never had much luck with Windows though. These days I just want to draw XD

I remember my first version of Windows, 2.0 on floppy disks. I had to reformat so many hard drives back then, I kept a copy of Norton Utilities in my tool box. When 3.0 came out my coworkers all started calling me Flatliner (after the movie) because I would kill so many computers and bring them back to life.

Now Windows 10 is just a mystery to me. I try to stick to the basic settings and hope for the best.

I have Windows 10 on the SP4 -_- it infuriates me. Good thing I only have to use it extensively when I'm away from the big rig for extended periods of time.

I just don't get it, I have to keep my icons on the desktop because I can't find them in the start menu. It only seems to have things I don't really use.

Oh look, you can use a program to get Win7 Start menu back. I should do that.

Very interesting, I join and study!

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