This week's throwback thursday is all about my life in my early secondary school jss1 precisely.

When I entered secondary school newly, my first day in school, about three girls called me separately telling me that they want me to be their school daughter. I was surprised I was like shuu you people will not even allow me to enter school before doing this school mother and daughter of a thing.I rejected them all giving them excuses.

After some weeks, there is this particular girl then, she was the social prefect, she called me and told me that she likes how neat I was, that my school uniform is always neat and well ironed and my shoe well polished. I was feeling shy already but I managed to say "thank you for the commendation."

Later after about two days, she called me again telling me that she want me to be her school daughter. What! What I rejected initially is still coming back to me. I don't know what to say so I told her that my parents are against me having a school mother. She said I should tell them about her. Hmmmmm this is serious.

I reached home that day and I told my parents all that happened. They invited her over to my house, she came and told them that she saw me as a younger sister and that she will take care of me in school. It also happened that my parents know the dad very well. According to them, he was a good man. They accepted and that was how I came to have a school mother.

She also prove to be very good to me till she graduated. She's now married with kids. I miss her so much.


Wow nice one.. Still remember those school father school daughter ish.. Mehn if you had a wicked one ehn.. Lol. You know na

Nice story It sounds wired to be having school father or mother, it should be a play strictly for learning. This kind of practice have Negative sides I thank God yours came good.

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This picture is epic. Hahahahaha. Throwback is always fun. Thanks to @gee1. Well done cutie.

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