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RE: I Don't Usually Thrift, Buy When I Do... 10 Recent Thrift Store Flips Bought For $81.50 & Sold For Exactly $1,000 (12.3x Return)

in #thrifting5 years ago (edited)

I just found a Spongebob 3818 set in the thrift store recently for $4 and built it out the other night. It was only missing 1 basic innocuous piece that I'll replace.

I've found a decent amount of Legos at thrift stores here. They're not always priced for me to resell, or may be partial used sets, so I only buy the right ones.

My best find was a sealed new Harry Potter set for $10 and sold it for about $575.

I also found these sealed new sets OUTSIDE in the curb recycling, since I focus more on that these days.

Also found this partial monster in the recycling and sold it for about $151:

Also 75 pounds accumulated from a few hauls on the curbs... I removed a TON of minifigs and accessories I'll deal with later. 35 pounds were at one time. I also have several bags of sets from the curbs with instructions I have yet to validate (mainly for fun) and sell.

These minifigs in the recycling:

Endless examples, just showing some Lego porn off the top of mind from what I've posted before.

I think it's probably a function of the cities we're in. There are many spoiled brats with way too many sets of expensive Legos here.


OMG, that's absolutely crazy that those have just been thrown away! You're showing they're worth good money! I love my legos. I've been filming cheap stop-motion videos with them. Too much fun!

*** twitching uncontrollably ***

!giphy drooling

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

that is insane

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