The White Walkers Are Coming

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Confidence as if you know, extract all info you can.
BTC acts like a battering ram.
I don't know the real value of a bitcoin, more comfortable for me to gauge the price of something like Steem.
If you focus more on the price then actually building, this is akin to staring at the scoreboard during a game. If you want to win, you must score points, be in the moment and focus intently on the process at hand. Looking at the scoreboard the entire game nets you no points and hurts any chances you have of winning. This is the time to tie up our laces and ball out of control!

The white walkers are coming…
While 1% of 1% are fighting over useless nonsense, wasteful resources and time are spent attacking each other when we could be working together.
Whom are the white walkers? Facebook’s Libra, Walmart chain, google chain, governments, and the list goes on.
Bridges, embracement; the goal I see for Steem is to bring value to almost anything one can think. Share 2 Steem and apps like it are our future meal tickets. We trojan horse in as an extension, a value adds. We give. Run this extension, easily share all your post from any social media website to Steem, to at the very least back up your content.
We should be looking to bridge. How you win, as an accessory at first. Things like share2steem must be sleek and easy. Every click or action is 100% more friction. People use FB, maybe even add a UI over FB that shows Steem payouts. Little things like that start to spread. Someone from FB gets banned, and all their data is gone? Not if they had been sharing it on Steem as a backup. Steem inserts itself through sheer value.
Some blockchains get all the luck, ICO projects raising 100's of millions, all the publicity one could ask for and yet have dog shit for a working product. The world is ass-backward land, and I'll repeat it, what seems self-evident is usually a trick. The shitty part about this is Steem will need to do 10x the work while getting spit and stepped on the whole way. Steem wins through sheer consistency, and value add. We must blow everyone away with the exceptional value Steem brings. Inserting Steem dapps/apps/extensions and everything in between into every crevice of the internet. We should be making every website out there better and for free. That's how we win. The more we give, the more we get back.
I am personally excited about the new EIP and what it could do to bring back that innate publicity that comes with content discovery and SEO. I understand the meaning of handing content rewards over to SMTs and let Steem be a consensus/bandwidth token; I feel we are not there yet. This new EIP should help content discovery right on the heels of SMTs being launched. The timing is perfect, and I am thrilled with the direction. With all the new innovations (while some controversial) shows Steem has a pulse, we are fighting tooth and nail and give up isn't in the chain’s blocks. While opinions are abundant, stake is what matters, put your stake behind the witnesses you believe in. Ultimately, we all trust the top 20 to do what is best for our Steem Blockchain. And I could not be more confident in the witnesses we have, top 20 or not we have incredible people here helping secure the chain.

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Damn straight, I definitely think losing money is part of crypto currency phenomenon and definitely saying you would have made more from keeping Bitcoin than Steem is not fully plausible because nobody can make 100% decision correctly when it comes to crypto and that's how it is.
Sometimes we place Faith because we've done the research and no getting our predictions immediately correct doesn't make us fools I think deep down one way or the other we'd definitely make mistakes and no matter the loss sometimes we need to listen to that inner voice within

thats right . thanks for your special comment

You had me at @share2steem . From the moment it was launched I saw it as an example of how we "win" I'm tired of people complaining that it only funnels content to our blockchain and adds no value. The value is the eyeballs on the blockchain from influencers and our "work" is to help them bring their millions of followers to steem.

Istagram, Facebook, Twitter etc have spent a decade training people to consume and share content in a particular way. We cannot find that with a desire to model steemit after an irrelevant platform like Medium or we are sunk. I love everything about your post @theycallmedan

If BTC holds at 10k and resists the obvious sell pressure it will have at that level and starts pushing through I’m sure we will see investor money and noob money come in and like you said people will start paying attention looking for cheap alts with potential

Of all the alts I have invested in and I check in on their forums or girhubs Steem is by far the most active since we actually have a community contributing and not just a company driving the crypto development!

Sure we have our shit but it’s because there’s more transparency! I think we don’t give Steem the credit we deserve because people are focusing on getting some micro returns and not looking at hey this could be something we use for 10 year or more!

I’m not sure if I’m bias because I am a user but I do feel this place has been one of the better projects and has soldiered on reasonably where other alts have died or are slowly grinding to a Stop

Posted using Partiko iOS

There was a LOT of passion and energy in this video and from what I can tell....... your not fickle! Good thing that. Also interesting, your mention of energy vampire.. wrote about that the other day.

Bitcoin doesn’t care about:

  • Interest rates
  • Trade wars
  • Recessions
  • Annual returns
  • Wars
  • Economic stimulus

The network keeps running. The math stays true.

And Bitcoin continues the march to global dominance 🔥

I've been here in Steem for almost 2 years, this moment is what I think steem is more alive than ever. We have the new updates on testnet and some of the witness are building a relevant dapps & tools that steem users like. I didn't have all of this 2 years ago, I'm feel really blessed to stay up to this point. The ones who ran away or in a haitus are totally missing out on the best things to come for steem.

I think they will all come back once they realize it.

For those who are still active, kudos!

Let’s face it mate. Price matters.

But all the developments that have been taking place over the last months don’t reflect on that price.

We aren’t dead. We are more active and alive than ever at least those who prefer not to lurk in the shadows but participate and keep on building.

People call me crazy too because I keep trying and spending so many hours for a dollar or two but I don’t care. I really don’t.

I don’t like easy money...crazy huh? I like the struggle, the pressure...the craziness...all the stages before the big BOOM.

There stuff that I don’t like. And there many flaws but like you said, dead projects don’t evolve. But we do...

I'm glad you said all of this.. It makes a lot of sense! Everything is so up an down you'll drive yourself crazy trying to keep up with it all.

Bitcoin has been surging in price while the global economy continues to shake, geo-political unrest is increasing, and old white men keep yelling about their grand plans to manipulate the economy.

Basically, Bitcoin is working.

I stopped posting since its summer and thats when i make most my $, but thx for the support so far.
If you ever decide to come to Croatia for vacation, i have 10 apartments on the Adriatic coast if you look for where to stay, and id love to have a chat...

Dan. Youre the one of the few whales that has much sense. (The Treyvon crap, not a fan of but whatever)
I know what you mean in this video, i understand you, but your sentiment seems very crypto focused.

Facebook just wrecked the wall. Whitewalkers are pouring in, its winter is coming. But winter is good this time.
Ski sellers will have a field day. Coat sellers will love it. Wood prices go up....

Crypto has screwed us. Bitcoiners, Ltcoiners, Eosians, Etherians..... They dont care...
If Steem failed theyd gloat. They would. People are like that. Remember that dbag from EOS wiki you talked with?

Its time for us to ride the wave.
We needs to reach beyond Crypto. Crypto right now makes no sense in regard to what is of real value.

Steem at 10$ makes Steemit a top 50 Website. Its time to flip off crypto and focus on what the mainstream wants.
Bitcoin doesnt matter.

And thats the mentality we should take. Who cares. I never held bitcoin nor will i ever because it being no1 in MC doesnt mean anything to me. I dont care about speculation.
If Steem is worthless Bitcoin is worthless 10 times over.

Its time to ride the Libra wave, trojan horse it, reject the crypto market like it has rejected us and make moves for the mainstream before we drop beyond 100 in MC.

What mechanism of STEEM do you see that could drive it up to even $1?
Nothing positive is going on here. The whales of the world are in no way seeing STEEM as a recession or inflation haven.
BTC and tangible GOLD, well it looks like the brakes are off..

Posted using Partiko Android

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