Jeffrey Epstein and the MIT Media Labs scandal in a nutshell

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Recently it has come to light that Jeffery Epstein has had a long term association with MIT Media Labs in regards to being a chief financial contributor. This association went well beyond Jeffery Epstein having served jail time. MIT Media Labs accepted not only money from Jeffery Epstein post jail time but also worked to cover up the payments from Jeffery Epstein. Little is known about what exactly Jeffrey Epstein was funding in MIT Media Labs and what the research was. One of the chief figures caught up in the scandal is Bill Gates, who has said he does not know Jeffery Epstein, even though it would seem he made a 2 million dollar payment to MIT Media Labs through Jeffery Epstein and has flown on Jeffery Epstein’s plane at least once. I go into this as well as a number of other things in this video. Here is a link to the Reddit forum I mentioned in the video:

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We will never understand how these rich people function at higher level, all we can pretend to know the tip of the iceberg (Even that is fake, there are several decoy tip of ice berg). There are tons of sinister projects being going around the world and there are many gates through which money comes in and goes out. Only sometime times like this Jeffery Epstein get into lime light (only for a while). John Kelly ?? There are entire clan, I feel sorry for Joh n Kerry, for tossing his name around. This will pass soon John, keep it cool.

It is not quite as obscure as you make out. I am unable to count the number of criminal offenses I have researched committed by banksters and their extorted lapdogs, politicians like Kerry. Roy Cohn reveals the basics, the CIA and Dyncorp the rest.

It works like this: to gain political power, you must be compromised by the CIA in child rape, murder, or both. Once you are completely neutralizable via blackmail, you can dole out government contracts, money, and power to your cronies. The CIA runs black ops, such as trafficking child prostitutes, illegal drugs, and weapons, as well as conducts murderous operations in backwater countries that enrage civilians, and perhaps their leaders, creating hatred for the USA.

The politicians then cite this outpouring of hate as proof higher taxes are needed to fund CIA operations to counter terrorism that will surely harm Americans. The CIA takes these additional funds and uses them to create the very terrorist organizations they incited and warned against, deploying them in the commission of terrorist strikes against Americans, like al Qaeda, ISIS, and the rest.

When the work is routine and no longer requires advanced direct control of the CIA, it is contracted out to Dyncorp and companies like it, who actually then abduct sex slaves, harvest organs, and smuggle drugs through the ratlines the CIA has established.

The media covers it all up, and the banksters get the lion's share of the profits, since they have the most money.

That's who and what Kerry, Clinton, Trump, and your local congressman are. That's the USA, freedom, and globalism in a nutshell.

Have a nice day.

Suprisingly Eipstein seems connected almost in so many places that really wasn't unravelled until after his death, I'm guessing him being long term association with MIT Media Labs in regards to being a chief financial contributor might help play a part in uncovering who killed him or would it just uncover a whole new conspiracy or a den of crime. I'm hoping that by following the money, a lot might be achieved

What I don't understand is that, Jeffery Epstein was being banned by MIT then how they managed to get him into the business without noticing them only banned him.

@theouterlight, In my opinion in this case so much is hidden more than visible yet. Let's see how many secrets it will going to reveal going forward.

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This epstein of a man is always taking the news and headlines everytime.

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