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RE: Vlog 424: Steem Marketing Issue + Steem Monsters Record! + Dporn Tribe.
I don't know about Dporn...?
We should think about what
we wanna bring from the "old world"
to the "new world" / new solutions...
The last thing what this world needs,
is more porn...
Think of the youth!
At last someone with a functional logic..
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you.
Yes, this world needs sanity.
I can think of many things the world needs less of. But that doesn't mean it's just going to go away.
I believe blockchain can improve and make this industry better and more honest for many content creators and that's not a bad thing.
"Conscious Porn" ;)
Hey, if you manage to get rid of "teen" porn....
I'm with it... with a more yes.... conscious, mature approach...
Minimum Age 23-25
Satan himself is triggering "teen" with everything you tip
into a pornplatform.
That def. needs to stop!
If Dporn can work in that direction or with a Overstanding
like that, i could respect it...