NextColony Giveaway! 10% Booster Rune! Check it out!

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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In this Video i give away one Rune with a 10% Boost for your Planet sponsored by NextColony.

Follow the following Rules to participate:

  • Watch the Video on 3Speak
  • Write a Comment with

Please let me know the following things to your NextColony Account

Your Player Name:
Shipyard Skill Level:
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet:
How many Explorations you have done so far:
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @

  • Giveaway Ends in 48 hrs after the Post is made
  • No Sub-Accounts or Fake-Accounts allowed
  • I enter a Reply to your Comment if it's fit the needings of the Giveaway.
  • There will be random winner choosen of all Participiants using the SteemFortune Tool
  • Have Fun and Stay tuned, Tell Your Friends for this and the next Giveaways :)


Allright :) Let's Go!

thanks! @louis88

Price is sponsored by @nextcolony

PS: U can check some nice tools to Gather the Informations: or

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Nice and fat Giveaway.

My Player Name: Alucian (the one and only)
My Shipyard Skill Level: 14
My highest Uranium Mine Building Level: 17
Now i did 204 Explorations and find 2 Planets
I dont want to fight with @anon09

For more Fun i Resteemed. :-)
Letz play NextColony and have a good Game.

Your Player Name: @manniman
Shipyard Skill Level: 13
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 14
How many Explorations you have done so far: 0
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @anyonewithships

I'm super new, in my 6th week of playing NC.

Player Name: famigliacurione
Shipyard Skill Level: 15
Uranium Mine Building Level of Main/First Planet: 14
I've done 59 Explorations
I no longer want to fight with @masterthematrix

Your Player Name: @rivalzzz
Shipyard Skill Level: 19
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 16
How many Explorations you have done so far: 1665
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @uraniumfuture

cool giveaway !

Your Player Name: hatoto
Shipyard Skill Level: 16
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 18
How many Explorations you have done so far: 583
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @uraniumfuture

Werden die Give Aways eigentlich gesponsort? Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall :D

Your Player Name: noobsin
Shipyard Skill Level: 16
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 15
How many Explorations you have done so far: 422 but there are exploration missions ongoing
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @uraniumfuture

My Player Name: @joebabana
Shipyard Skill Level: 20
Uranium Mine Building Level of my Main Planet: 17
How many Explorations you have done so far: 864
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: [any of the top 50 fleet players]

Thanks for this side contest.

Your Player Name: @satren
Shipyard Skill Level: 14
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 14
How many Explorations you have done so far: too many
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @rivalzzz

Your Player Name: @bitpizza
Shipyard Skill Level: 17
Uranium Mine Building Level of your Main/First Planet: 19
How many Explorations you have done so far: 220
Mention an opponent you don't want to fight: @rivalzzz

Let's seek out new life and new civilizations.
To boldly go where no man has gone before)

My Player Name: MeanRoosterFarm
My Shipyard Skill Level: 16
Alpha Planet Uranium Mine: 18
I've done 373 explorations
I don't want to fight with @rivalzzz, buthead killed off 4 of my Explorer2s before I could do anything.


hello, neighbour ;-)

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