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RE: Marky On Air Episode 8 Recording

in #threespeak5 years ago

Wait a moment a video platform on Steem that’s not going spaz out when I try to view a video on it and skip around? What kind of black magic is this!

I’ve never liked the idea of a universal basic income. There are enough people as it is just trying to farm their daily auto up votes. I would assume however under how our system works it would be a stake based UBI. While that might incentive people to power up and just do nothing to collect it weekly if they have nothing else further to contribute. I just don’t see that being healthy for the system.

It’s a shame when a project turns to be a scam. This platform has had enough of that nonsense and it’s going hurt the next guy who comes along with something really amazing and investors are tired of getting screwed over and are not so freely willing to take this risk. At least this should cause more people to ask some basic questions.

It almost seems like the platform itself needs some kind of verification process when it comes to these kind of things. That however would lead to an authority body and centralization with the risk of abusive of power in getting approved or rejected for a “verified by X Steem dapp operations license” along with the funds entrusted to it. That comes with some kind of insurance policy if something does end up being a scam there at least some kind of refundable amount that was paid out into it by the dapp creator and options for legal ramifications. Sadly I think such a system would be as easy open to a scam within it around missing funds or whos claiming to even verified a dapp, as much as another dapp to come along and try to take the platform. It also runs the risk of creating too high of a barrier to entry and killing innovation.


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