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RE: Are You Americans Really This Stupid? What is Wrong with You?

in #threespeak5 years ago

When he announced he was running they laughed at him.
They said it would take a miracle for him to win.
Then they ridiculed him. And spat vulgar venom at him. They twisted his words to suit their agenda.
We sat silently and prayed.
Than we got our miracle.
Did God answer the prayers of the righteous?
What do you think?
For someone who cheats you once is their fault, but if the same person cheats you again then its your fault.


The last line says it all. By the way, why you against Donald Trump, you share the same first name, you not American, You use your brain (sometime) and you not even among them (you know what I mean), right??

Yup, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".

Americans have been fooled over and over again, it doesn't matter the party, they are all guilty.

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